Selasa, 20 September 2016

What to Do If Your Hair Is Thinning: Natural Remedies that May Stop Hair Loss

 Natural Remedies that May Stop Hair Loss

Beat Breakage

Be too harsh with your hair and you could end up with broken, thinning, limp, or damaged tresses. Obvious culprits include perms, chemical straighteners, curling or straightening irons, and excessive dye jobs, but also know that even rubber bands, too-tight clips, and forceful, frequent brushing can cause breakage too. Yep, Marcia Brady was wrong! To minimize damage, choose softer hair ties (definitely not plain-old rubber bands!) and use a wide-toothed comb to “brush” your hair from the ends up in as few strokes as possible.

Stop Thinning Hair with Rosemary

Rosemary has been used medicinally through the ages to treat declining memory, muscle pain, and, of course, thinning hair! Dried rosemary will strengthen and soften hair while nourishing your scalp. Try this easy treatment at home: Stir a few teaspoons dried rosemary into a warm water and let steep for 20–30 minutes; strain out the rosemary pieces. Rub the solution through the length of your hair and into your scalp. When you rinse, massage your scalp to stimulate the skin and hair follicles.

Change Your Diet, Change Your Hair

If you’re losing hair, make sure you’re getting enough protein in your diet to keep your cells healthy and productive. Too little protein, and your body may struggle to regrow the hair it’s lost. Choose lean proteins like fish, chicken, or turkey and incorporate them into your diet twice a day. Vitamin B6 is also known to prevent thinning and shedding hair. Get vitamin B6 from spinach, tuna, meats, cauliflower, garlic, and sunflower seeds.

Onion Juice for Hair Follicles

You know that onions are healthy for your body, but did you know they’re healthy for your hair too? The potent vegetable is loaded with sulfur, which can boost blood flow to your hair follicles when applied to the skin. To create a scalp treatment, you’ll first need to extract the juice: Peel an onion, then cut it into two to four chunks. Process in a blender or grate by hand, and strain out the juice. (If you have a juicer, this step is easy-peasy!) Massage the onion juice into your scalp and leave for 10–15 minutes; if the stink is overpowering, cover your head with a shower cap. Rinse with warm water and shampoo to clean completely.

Castor Oil Treatment

Fight hair problems with castor oil! Packed with proteins, fatty acids, minerals, and vitamin E, castor oil will encourage circulation to the scalp and promote the growth of healthy hair. Plus, its antibacterial and antifungal powers can prevent infections that often lead to hair loss. Simply massage the oil into your scalp and protect with a shower cap. Leave for at least two hours or up to overnight, then wash out with shampoo. Repeat regularly to improve hair growth, prevent breakage and split ends, and moisturize your scalp.

Cayenne Pepper to Stimulate Growth

Cayenne pepper offers countless health benefits—and you can add hair growth to the list! When applied to the scalp, a chemical in cayenne called capsaicin irritates (and thus, stimulates) your hair follicles. To make a cayenne hair treatment, combine 1 part cayenne with 1 part olive oil. Rub over your entire scalp or any specific problem areas, then cover with a shower cap and leave for up to 30 minutes. Rinse completely.

For more all natural remedies from all around the internet, check out our Health and Beauty Tips board on Pinterest. And don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Facebook and Instagram

Image courtesy of Shutterstock.

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