Rabu, 31 Maret 2021

What to Say When You Don't Know What to Say

Has someone said something in a meeting that was so offensive it just left you gobsmacked, having no idea what to say? Unfortunately, this probably happened to you in the past day if not the past hour. Maybe the offensive thing was said to you, maybe it was directed at someone else. But either way, you want to say something but don’t know what to say. And your silence robs you of your agency, just a little.

Here are some tips to figuring out what to say next time this happens, as it inevitably will.

1. Name the problem

Bias is “not meaning it.” Bias, often called “unconscious bias,” comes from the part of our mind that jumps to conclusions, usually without our even being aware of it. These conclusions and assumptions aren’t always wrong, but they often are, especially when they reflect stereotypes. We do not have to be the helpless victims of our brains. We can learn to slow down and question our biases.

Prejudice is “meaning it.” Unfortunately, when we do stop to think, we often don’t always come up with the best answer. Sometimes, we rationalize our biases and they harden into prejudices. In other words, we justify our biases rather than challenging their flawed assumptions and stereotypes.

Bullying is “being mean,” the intentional, repeated use of in-group status or power to harm or humiliate others. Sometimes bullying comes with prejudice, but often it’s a more instinctive behavior. There may be no thought or ideology at all behind it. It can be a plan or just an animal instinct to dominate, to coerce.

2. Match the response to the problem

When people’s biases are pointed out to them clearly and compassionately, they usually correct them and apologize.

What’s important is to draw a clear boundary between people’s right to believe whatever they want and their freedom to impose their prejudices on others.

Prejudice, however, is a conscious and ingrained belief. People don’t change their prejudices simply because someone points them out. Holding up a mirror doesn’t help—people like what they see. What’s important is to draw a clear boundary between people’s right to believe whatever they want and their freedom to impose their prejudices on others.

Bullying has to incur real consequences to be stopped. If bullies were swayed by being aware of the harm they are doing to the people they are bullying, they wouldn’t be treating other people badly in the first place. Usually they are trying to hurt someone. Pointing out the pain they are inflicting doesn’t make them stop and may even...

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Tips to Maximize Your Tax Refund in 2021

If you’re like most people, the pandemic has upended your life in numerous ways. It’s caused sickness, isolation, anxiety, and financial hardship for millions of Americans. The economic stimulus packages have been a bright spot for many who desperately need assistance.

Not only did the stimulus give qualifying individuals and businesses direct payments, forgivable loans, and increased unemployment benefits, but the laws changed many aspects of your 2020 income taxes.

I interviewed Cece Leung, CPA, for expert advice about taking advantage of the new tax rules. Cece is a Certified Public Accountant and author of the upcoming podcast and book, Dear Accountant. She’s also the founder of Entrepreneur CFO, an advisory firm that helps growing companies get financially and operationally ready for their next big thing.

On the Money Girl podcast, Cece and I discuss many critical tax tips to cut what you owe or increase the tax refund you receive. Some of the topics we cover include:

  • When is the optimal time to file your 2020 tax return
  • How delaying Tax Day may affect when you receive a refund
  • What to do if you didn’t receive an economic stimulus payment
  • Which stimulus benefits are taxable and non-taxable
  • What to do if you moved to another state during the pandemic
  • How to handle expenses related to a home office
  • Common mistakes individuals and business owners should avoid this year

Listen to the interview by clicking the audio player above or listen on Apple, Spotify, SoundCloud, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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Trans Day of Visibility Offers Chance for Community to Stand in Solidarity and Support

Visibility within the transgender community is often a Catch-22, especially for trans people of color, or those living in rural, conservative areas. Hiding one’s identity can be a damaging experience and increase feelings of isolation, stigma and shame. But standing out as a trans person can make someone a target for discrimination or violence.

Trans Day of Visibility – celebrated annually on March 31 – is an important day that allows community members to come together and find support and solidarity by knowing they are not alone.

As a trans man who studies transgender health and well-being, I believe Trans Day of Visibility – celebrated annually on March 31 – is an important day that allows community members to come together and find support and solidarity by knowing they are not alone.

A celebration’s history

Trans Day of Visibility acknowledges the contributions made by people within the transgender, nonbinary and gender-diverse communities (hereafter referred to as “trans” to encompass anyone who doesn’t identify with their sex assigned at birth).

TDOV has been marked annually since 2009. Before then, the only day of recognition the trans community had was Transgender Day of Remembrance – a day of mourning held on Nov. 20 to commemorate trans people who have died in the previous year.

Trans Day of Visibility, then, is an attempt, as the trans community puts it, to “give us our roses while we’re still here.”

Rachel Crandall, a transgender activist from Michigan, organized the first Trans Day of Visibility. By 2014, the day was being celebrated internationally.

In 2015, I along with other local trans activists in Omaha, Nebraska, hosted the first of several annual events for our local community. It featured panels, Q&As and support groups for family members, trans people themselves and cisgender, or cis, people – which refers to people who identify with the sex they were assigned at birth – who wanted to learn how to be better allies to the trans community. Some of us wore T-shirts that said “Ask Me I’m Trans” on the day of the event to facilitate...

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Selasa, 30 Maret 2021

Nutrition Around the World: Colombian Cuisine

Today’s episode is the second in a series of episodes on global cuisines. Last month, we talked with dietitian Vandana Sheth about the nutritional highlights of Indian food—along with a few of the nutritional challenges. Today, we’re going to continue our exploration of nutrition around the world with a tour of Colombian cuisine.

Sandra Arévalo is a registered dietitian nutritionist and expert on Latino culture and health. Sandra grew up in Colombia and emigrated to the United States where she currently serves as the Director of Community and Patient Education at Montefiore Nyack Hospital as well as a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Below are a few highlights from our conversation.

Enjoy the entire interview on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts, or listen by clicking the audio player above.

Characteristics of Colombian Cuisine

Monica Reinagel

A lot of North Americans aren't very familiar with Colombian cuisine. What are some of the characteristic hallmarks?

Sandra Arévalo

Because we are in Latin America, a lot of people have the misconception that Colombian food is spicy, like Mexican food, perhaps. So a lot of people are surprised to learn that Colombian cuisine is not spicy. It’s very savory and flavorful, but not spicy. 

We have a huge variety of climates, depending on the altitude, and the cuisine varies a lot with the geographical area.

And because we are near the equator, most people think that it’s just hot everywhere. But it’s not. We have a huge variety of climates, depending on the altitude, and the cuisine varies a lot with the geographical area. If you are closer to the coast, the dishes are more tropical and seafood-based. If you are in the mountains, where the weather is colder, and there is different agriculture, you have more soups and stews. In the valley, you have more meats, rice, and beans.   

So, each region has its own typical dishes. But most feature some sort of meat or fish. Every meal contains rice but will often have other starches such as plantains, potatoes, or yucca. Corn is widely used as well. We use corn flour to make arepas, but we also add whole-kernel corn to soups and corn on the cob grilled. Fruit is also a part of most meals.


Is there a particular spice or spice combination that...

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What Are the Most Common Mistakes People Make When Starting a New Company?

If you are interested in starting a new business, then you need to plan for the unexpected. This means anticipating mistakes. Even though you will try to do everything perfectly, there is always a chance that mistakes happen. One of the ways that you can reduce the frequency of mistakes that you make is to think about them ahead of time. What are a few of the most common examples of mistakes that people make when they are starting a new business? There are several examples that everyone should keep in mind.

If you are interested in starting a new business, then you need to plan for the unexpected. This means anticipating mistakes.

Not finding an opening in the current market

One of the first mistakes that people make when they are trying to start a business is not finding an opening in the current market. With technology the way it is today, it is more competitive than ever. Therefore, there might not be many openings available. At the same time, those who are trying to start a business need to find one.

If you are starting a business, who is going to buy your products and services? Where are they currently getting their products and services from? If your product is not better than the next best alternative, why would customers switch from that location to your business? If you are not able to find an opening in the market, then your business is going to have a hard time getting off the ground. Think about this when you are trying to build a business.

Not putting the right plan in place

Another common mistake that people make is not having the right plan in place. In order for a business to be successful, there has to be a strong plan. The problem is that companies today have a lot of moving parts. Therefore, it is difficult for business owners to keep all the information in the same place. If they cannot see everything at once, they will not be able to identify trends. That is where integrated business planning can be helpful. By aligning technology, finances, supply chains, and other information in the same place, business owners can make the best decision for the future of the company.

Not hiring the right people for the job

There is no business that was successfully built by one person alone. Therefore, business owners need to make sure they find the right people for the job....

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Creating a Just Workplace with Author Kim Scott

We all want to work in environments that feel safe, inclusive, and accessible to everyone. But when something infringes on that sense of safety, we don’t always have the language or the tools to tackle it.

Kim Scott, author of the New York Times bestseller Radical Candor is striving to change that. In her new book JUST WORK: Get Sh*t Done, Fast & Fair, Kim offers a simple framework for recognizing and responding to bias, prejudice, and bullying. Her practical suggestions give us something we can put into practice today to start clearing away the inefficiency of inequity so we can just work.

Kim joined me for a chat that was vulnerable and funny and full of wisdom coming from her eight-year-old daughter. Listen to the full conversation on Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast platform, or just click the audio player above.

The difference between bias, prejudice, and bullying in the workplace

What's the difference between bias, prejudice, and bullying? Simply put, Kim says: "Bias is not meaning it, prejudice is meaning it, and bullying is being mean.”

  • Bias reflects an unconscious belief system that may impact how we engage with others.
  • Prejudice is conscious—when we knowingly believe something to be true about someone due to a fundamental attribute (gender, race, sexuality, etc.)
  • Bullying is bad behavior meant to intimidate, belittle, or otherwise hurt another.

“The real benefit of beginning to distinguish between these three things is that the response to them needs to be very different,” Kim says.

How to respond to workplace injustice that happens to you

So what’s the key, then, to addressing each of these in the workplace?


“If it’s unconscious bias,” Kim says, “I find it's best to respond with an ‘I statement…’ [which] invites the person to understand things from your perspective."

I don't think you mean that the way it sounded.


“When you’re dealing with someone’s prejudice," she continues, “you need an ‘it statement.’ People can believe whatever they want, but they can not do or say whatever they want. An ‘it statement’ can appeal to the law… to...

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Introducing Zombiemum

Today, I have a special piece of audio to share with you from the new podcast Zombiemum.

When illustrator and writer Laura Dockrill became a mom, the experience was life-changing, but not in the way she was expecting. Laura's delivery was traumatic, and afterwards, she was diagnosed with postpartum psychosis. She experienced some aspects of motherhood she hadn’t expected. And when your experience of parenthood doesn’t end up being like what you read about in books, it can be really isolating.

That's why Laura created the Zombiemum podcast. Every Tuesday, Laura will talk to parents who also didn’t have the picture-perfect intro to parenting they'd anticipated. This podcast will normalize conversations about mental health and parenthood. 

Whatever you’re going through, you’re not alone.

Click the red audio player above to hear this special clip from Zombiemum. Afterwards, be sure to subscribe to Zombiemum for more. New episodes go up every Tuesday on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen.

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Senin, 29 Maret 2021

Range of Motion: Why You Need to Use It or Lose It

My guest on this episode is a Certified Massage Practitioner (CMP), Strength and Conditioning Coach, and Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES). His name is Shane Dowd, and he's the CEO and founder of GotROM.com. Shane is truly passionate about (or maybe even obsessed with) keeping your body moving at its best. 

Eleven years ago Shane was told that his hips were so messed up they needed surgery. The X-rays and MRIs confirmed it. He was told "You're screwed, son. Get the surgery before it gets worse." He didn't listen ... and he's glad he didn't! Now, he believes almost anything is possible when you upgrade your passion to an obsession. And Shane's obsessed with helping people who are injured (or simply getting older) get and stay fit.

It all started with deep squats

A few months ago, I was getting frustrated with my deep squat. (That's the kind of squat where you can just chill out with your butt right down near the ground and your heels planted firmly beneath you.) I have been working on and off for years to make my squat more comfortable. And after some initial success, I plateaued.

So, when I heard about Shane's website, I signed up for his 45-day program to Master Deep Squats.

I was so impressed with his approach and my results that I knew I had to have Shane on the podcast so we could nerd out about Range Of Motion (that's the ROM in gotROM.com). If you're able, I encourage you to listen to the audio using the audio player at the top of the page or by checking out the episode on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. But if you prefer to read, here's a transcript of our conversation that's been lightly edited for clarity.

Interview with Shane Dowd


So, Shane, what the heck is ROM or R.O.M and why is it important?


Basically, in plain English, it's the Range Of Motion of the joints of your body or your body as a whole. You need range of motion to do anything in life. If you're going to bend down to pick something up, you need a certain amount of hamstring flexibility or hip range of motion. If you're going to climb up something or use your arms, you need a certain amount of range of motion.

Even if you're not an athlete, daily life requires some degree of flexibility or range of motion.

Every sport has...

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Conquer Your Messy Home with These 8 Easy Habits

Housekeeping doesn't have to be a chore if you don't allow it to be!

Go ahead and roll your eyes. That's precisely what I did when one of my best friends lovingly shared that thought with me. I remember how tired and frustrated I was because I could never get my housekeeping act together. She replied, "And you never will with that attitude!"

I'd been looking for someone to share my housekeeping misery ... because after all, misery loves company! Instead, my friend kindly suggested I change my way of thinking. That simple shift in mindset helped change my outlook on housekeeping. It reminds me of a quote:

Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.

Wayne Dyer

That quote became my mantra when it came to mundane home duties. I realized my friend was right. Our family was fortunate to have a nice home with a beautiful yard. How I cared for it was up to me, so why not make it a pleasant experience?

These eight tips have streamlined my busy home's upkeep and helped me spend less time frustrated with a messy house and more time enjoying my family.

1. Start the day off on a positive note by making your bed

The Problem

I used to poo-poo the bed-making concept because I thought it was a waste of time. I was only going to crawl back into it (exhausted!) at the end of the day. No one sees my bedroom except for me, so who would know or care if I left my bed unmade? It was easier to shut the bedroom door and forget about my disheveled quarters than to spend the time to make it look tidy. 

The Smart Habit

It turns out there are dozens of good reasons to start your day on the right foot by making your bed. U.S. Navy Admiral William H. McRaven believes so strongly in the power of making your bed that he even wrote a New York Times bestselling book about it: Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life... And Maybe the World.

The book is based on an inspiring graduation speech Admiral McRaven gave that encouraged graduates to change the world ... starting with making their beds. Why does making your bed matter? The admiral says, "[Making your bed] will give you a small sense of pride and encourage you to do another task and another until you've completed many tasks throughout the day. Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that the little things in life matter." 

The reality is that although making your bed each morning may seem like a menial task. But once youv'e accomplished it, you'll build on this success throughout the rest of your day. When you walk in and out of your room, you'll have a sense...

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Jumat, 26 Maret 2021

11 Nouns That Only Have a Plural Form

Of all the grammar concepts we have, “plural” seems to be one of the most straightforward. You got one thing? It’s singular. Got more than one thing? It’s plural. But alas, language is always less straightforward than we expect. The way we conceptualize something—as one thing or many things—doesn’t always match up with the way our word for it behaves. There are some nouns that only have a plural form, regardless of how we think of them. They are known as pluralia tantum, Latin for “plural only.” Here are 11 of them.

The way we conceptualize something—as one thing or many things—doesn’t always match up with the way our word for it behaves.

1. Scissors

Scissors has a plural verb agreement. We say, “the scissors are over there,” not "the scissors is over there." Scissors likes to hang on to its s. We can say “give me a pair of scissors,” but not “give me a scissor.” True, there is a sense in which scissors are two objects, two blades, being used as one tool, and many similar tools are also pluralia tantum: pliers, tongs, tweezers, forceps. But not all such tools are plural. A clamp, a bear trap, and a flat iron are also tools made of two joined parts, and they are singular.

picture of goggles, a word that only has a plural form

2. Goggles

Goggles, glasses, and binoculars only show up in the plural. They are also generally conceived of as unitary objects, though they are made up of two connected parts. When new words are coined for things that function in front of the eyes, they will usually inherit the grammatical plurality (Blue Blockers, RayBans), but not always (see View-Master, Google Glass).

3. Pants

In the rarefied world of fashion reporting, you may see pant show up as a singular noun (“a floral pant is a must-have for spring”), but for the rest of us, pants is strictly plural. The tendency toward plural forms for clothing that provides separate enclosures for the two legs is strong: shorts, jeans, bloomers, tights, leggings, trousers, chaps, etc. The tendency for new such words to be coined with plurality is also strong: bell bottoms, skinnies, capris. We even say things like, “Levis are popular,” even though the brand name is actually not plural, but possessive—Levi’s.

4. Panties

The word underwear is a mass noun that takes singular agreement (“your underwear is showing”) but there are a...

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Losing Friends Over Politics? These 9 Couples Therapy Techniques May Help

One thing I’ve heard a lot from listeners lately is how hard it's been to navigate politics in relationships. It seems that, for the past few years, and perhaps especially during the pandemic, there have been more family conflicts and friendship breakups over politics than ever.

According to a recent poll, 80% of Republicans believe 'the other side' has been taken over by socialists, and 80% of Democrats believe 'the other side' has been taken over by racists.

This isn’t just a feeling. According to the Pew Research Center, the vast majority of registered voters say that they have “just a few” or no friends who voted for the opposite-party candidate in the 2020 elections. Our feelings about people on the other side of the political divide are also quite extreme. According to another poll, 80% of Republicans believe “the other side” has been taken over by socialists, and 80% of Democrats believe “the other side” has been taken over by racists.

Privately, listeners have been emailing me to say that they’ve had to cut off friendships or become distant with family members because they simply can’t abide their position on immigration, or bathroom laws, or policing, or some other highly debated topic. Some are asking for advice on how to bridge divides, while others are asking how to cut people off.

To work on navigating these complicated dynamics, let’s borrow from couples’ therapy techniques.

1. Figure out what your overarching goal is in this relationship

Let’s start by taking a step back and considering your priorities in a particular relationship. Is this a close family member that you hope to have a relationship with for decades to come? Is this a college acquaintance you may never see again besides on social media? Is this an entire parenting friend group that provides your toddler with play dates?

The deeper the relationship, the more worthwhile it is to have meaningful conversations about core values.

What you do next will depend on these greater goals. The general calculus is: The deeper the relationship, the more worthwhile it is to have meaningful conversations about core values. So it might not be worth it to get into a soul-searching debate about abortion with your barista.

Also, the more important the relationship, the more worthwhile it is to be...

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Kamis, 25 Maret 2021

Word Origins That Will Surprise You

Ralph Keyes is a prolific author who has published 17 books, including "The Courage to Write."

In this interview, we talked about his book "The History of Coined Words" and the origin of:

  • "Scientist"
  • "Impressionist"
  • "Beaknik"
  • "Paradigm"
  • "Mugwumps"

We also discussed the prolific word coiners John Milton (e.g., "advantage,” “complacency,” “damp," “dismissive,” “fragrance," “jubilant,” “obtrusive,” and “terrific”) and Charles Dickens (e.g., "careless," "peniless," “unchangeable,” “unapproachable,” “unholy,” and "arrival").

You can listen to the interview using the player at the top of this page, or you can read a complete rough transcript.

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How to Stop Someone from Interrupting You

I recently received a question from a listener who wanted to know how to handle a new boss who chronically interrupts. This is a serious problem in a lot of relationships, but it has many causes. In a previous episode, I described the different reasons why people interrupt, and now I’d like to discuss what to say to people who keep interrupting you. 

Dealing with interruptions gently

Just what do you do when a person constantly interrupts? Is it rude to tell them they are interrupting? Does the power position of the interrupter make any difference? What exactly do you say to maintain the relationship? 

I certainly understand why I received this question; it's frustrating to always be the one who has to be quiet and let another person talk.

Interrupting is a bad habit that needs correction, but depending on the reason, or the degree of relationship, it needs to be handled differently. As I talked about previously, some people interrupt because they’re direct, some because they’re creative, and some because they actually want to affirm you and be supportive. Some have just developed a bad habit, or feel they must assert themselves. And then there are the bullies.

Learn Why People Interrupt with the Public Speaker. 

Allow me to discuss a few different ways to stop someone who interrupts: 

One way to address the behavior, a bit indirectly, is to simply let the person interrupt, then repeat again exactly what you started saying, in a polite, respectful tone.  (Read: no sarcasm or anger!)   

So, for example, what you DON’T want to say is the following:

You:  Sorry, did the middle of my sentence interrupt the beginning of yours?  (I heard this once at a meeting!)

or . . . 

You:  I want to give you all the results first. I'd appreciate it if you'd give me a chance and not interrupt like you always do.

Instead, you could try something much more polite and gentle:

You: The results of our analysis showed that 3% ... 

Her: I talked with Joe Robinson this morning about the analysis ...  

You:  I'm interested in hearing what Joe had to say, but I'd like to share the results first.  The results of our analysis showed ...

This approach helps the interrupter who doesn't realize they are...

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What’s the Difference Between a Tax Credit Versus a Tax Deduction?

Do you know the difference between a tax credit and a tax deduction?

If so, you may be in the minority compared to most Americans because one of the biggest misunderstandings about taxes is the idea of a tax credit versus a tax deduction.

They both put your money in your pocket but in vastly different ways.

Tax credit vs. tax deduction

Here’s the difference between a tax credit and a tax deduction:

  • A tax credit reduces how much tax you owe to the IRS and is a dollar for dollars reduction in tax liability. The Child Tax Credit is worth up to $2,000 per qualifying child and if you qualify, it will reduce how much you owe on your taxes by $2,000.
  • A tax deduction reduces how much of your income is subject to taxation, and usually only if you itemize your tax deductions. Charitable contributions are tax deductions so if you make a $2,000 donation to a qualifying charity, you reduce your taxable income by $2,000. Your taxes will go down based on your tax bracket. If you’re in the 24% tax bracket, your taxes will be reduced by $480.

So in a hypothetical scenario in which you could get either a $2,000 tax credit or a $2,000 tax deduction, you want the tax credit. It reduces your tax liability the most.

With tax credits, there’s also another distinction—is the tax credit refundable?

Refundable means that you will get the full value of the credit, even if your tax liability is reduced to below zero. For example, the Child Tax Credit is refundable so even if you owed very little in taxes, and the credit put your tax liability in the “negative,” where the IRS owes you money, you would get all of the credit.

Let’s say you qualify for a $2,000 Child Tax Credit and you owed $1,000, then the IRS would send you $1,000. If the Child Tax Credit were not refundable, you would get nothing.

There’s one more added wrinkle, the Child Tax Credit is partially refundable up to $1,400 per child. So if you qualified for the full $2,000 of credit but you only owed $200 in taxes, you wouldn’t get $1,800 – you would only get $1,400 back.

Claim standard or itemized deductions?

When you file your taxes, you often have to make a big decision—do I claim the standard deduction or should I itemize my deductions?

With a tax credit, you get it no matter what. No decision required.

With a tax deduction, you only get it if you itemize your deductions. When you file your taxes, you can always claim a standard...

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Rabu, 24 Maret 2021

An Interview with Ralph Keyes: Transcript

How to Create a Personal Finance System for Money Success

If you’ve ever felt discouraged or upset about your financial life, you’re certainly not alone. Many people go through years, or even decades, of not earning enough, not spending wisely, or not having sufficient education to make the best money decisions.

The fact that you’re reading this article or listening to the companion Money Girl podcast means you know that your financial life could or should be better. Congratulations, that’s the first step to getting on the right track!

In many cases, financial problems arise when you don’t have an effective money system in place. In this article, I’ll cover a personal finance system that helps you make the most of what you already have, simplify your life, and create more success.

There are four overarching parts to a money system that keeps you informed, allows some flexibility, and supports your dreams, all at the same time.

1. Monitoring cash flow

The first part of your personal finance system should be finding the best way to monitor your cash flow. Understanding exactly how you earn, spend, and save is so important because it’s the foundation of your financial life. If you’re not sure how much money is coming in and going out, you won’t be able to manage it intentionally.

But getting your arms around cash flow isn’t always easy because it’s probably moving through multiple places. These may include a bank checking and savings, one or more credit cards, a retirement account, brokerage, college savings account, medical savings account, and more. To manage all these transactions properly without driving yourself to the brink of insanity, you need a way to centralize them.

The trick to watching and managing cash flow is to use a convenient digital tool that aggregates your entire financial life in one place. Here are some of my favorite money programs that make it easy to stay on top of your cash flow using your computer desktop or a mobile device.

The trick to watching and managing cash flow is to use a convenient digital tool that aggregates your entire financial life in one place.

Cash flow monitoring tools 

Quicken has been around a long time and is considered the gold standard in personal finance software. It connects to multiple types of accounts, such as banks, credit cards, lenders, and investments, to aggregate your transactions. Once you enter the credentials you use to log into various financial sites, every time you open Quicken, it connects to them and pulls in your new transactions.

The Quicken Starter edition comes with automatic categorization, limited budget tracking, and a bill...

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Selasa, 23 Maret 2021

Surprise! Phytic Acid Isn't Actually Bad for You

Phytic acid has gotten a lot of bad press lately. It's true that this compound, which is found in legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, can bind to minerals and reduce their absorption. But there's a lot more to the phytic acid story.

What is phytic acid? 

Phytic acid (or phytate) is a natural compound found in the seeds or kernels of plants. When seeds are planted in soil (or soaked in water), the phytic acid breaks down and releases phosphorus, which helps the sprouting plant develop healthy roots. 

Phytic acid (or phytate) is a natural compound found in the seeds or kernels of plants.

But if we eat those seeds instead of planting them, we may absorb less calcium, iron, copper, and zinc from the foods that we eat at the same meal. That's because phytic acid has a tendency to bind to certain minerals and block their absorption from the small intestine. This is why phytic acid is sometimes referred to as an anti-nutrient; it reduces the amount of nutrients we absorb from foods.

What foods contain phytic acid?

Dried beans, nuts, seeds, and cereal grans like wheat, barley, oats, and rice all contain phytic acid. As a rule, beans and nuts are higher in phytic acid than cereal grains. The phytic acid is concentrated in the hull of the seed, and in the case of grains, the bran. If you remove the hull, you remove most of the phytic acid, too. White rice, for example, is much lower in phytic acid than brown rice.

Should you soak beans, nuts, and grains to remove phytates?

Soaking beans, nuts, and grains in water for 12 to 24 hours (or simply cooking them) breaks down most of the phytic acid. And mineral deficiencies due to phytic acid intake are generally not a concern in developed nations. Nonetheless, a lot of health conscious people soak or sprout all of their nuts and grains (or avoid them altogether!) in an effort to reduce their intake of phytic acid and increase their absorption of minerals.

Soaking is unnecessary and could cause you to miss out on important benefits.

Not only is this probably unnecessary, but these folks could actually be missing out on important benefits. It turns out that phytic acid is an important nutrient in its own right, and may help protect you from a number of serious diseases.

Concerns about phytic acid

I mentioned that phytic from foods can block the absorption of calcium from the digestive tract. So, you might expect that eating foods high in phytic acid would weaken your bones. But people who eat lots of beans and grains do not have a higher risk of osteoporosis. If anything, higher consumption of these phytate-rich foods is linked with stronger bones.

People who eat lots of beans and grains...

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Asians Are Good at Math? Why Dressing Up Racism as a Compliment Just Doesn't Add Up

The narrative that “Asians are good at math” is pervasive in the United States. Young children are aware of it. College students’ academic performance can be affected by it.

In the midst of an upsurge in violent attacks against people identified as Asian, it’s worth remembering that the core of anti-Asian racism has always been dehumanization.

On the surface, the “Asians are good at math” narrative sounds like a compliment. After all, what’s wrong with saying that someone is good at something? But as I have explained in a journal article, there are two problems. First, the narrative is false. Second, it is racist. And in the midst of an upsurge in violent attacks against people identified as Asian, it’s worth remembering that the core of anti-Asian racism has always been dehumanization.

I’m an experienced teacher and researcher of STEM education. Research tells us that racism is a part of students’ classroom experiences in these subjects.

If we don’t understand how racism works – even in supposedly “neutral” areas like STEM – we might unintentionally recycle racist ideas.

Debunking the myth

As with many racial stereotypes, people are genuinely curious whether the “Asians are good at math” narrative could be true. There are videos on YouTube with several million views asking that question.

Don’t test scores prove the narrative? In fact, they don’t. On international exams, it’s true that Asian countries are among the top performers in math. But it’s also true that other Asian nations rank 38th, 46th, 59th and 63rd. Interestingly, those top performers also lead in reading – but there isn’t a narrative that “Asians are good at literature.”

Research shows considerable variation in mathematical performance among different Asian ethnic groups in the U.S.

Domestically, it’s the same story. ...

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Natural Ways to Heal Headaches and Muscle Aches


Hit the spot

That pain in your head might actually start in your neck. Use your thumbs, index, and middle fingers to squeeze just below the large muscle that runs from the high point of both shoulders and joins your neck. Or even better, have a partner do it for you. Hold for 30 to 45 seconds.

Tame tension

If you’re prone to tension headaches, you may be unconsciously clenching your jaw when you’re stressed. Try paying closer attention to your body, and the next time you notice yourself clenching, gently place a clean pencil between your teeth and hold it. It will serve as a reminder not to bite down hard. With time, you may be able to train your jaw not to clench, thus avoiding those painful headaches. Try placing colorful notes or stickers around your desk, work area, or home to mentally remind yourself to check and see if you’re stress clenching. (Then stop!)

Herbal headache relief

If you suffer from headaches but don’t want to rely on pricey painkillers, try taking the herbal route. Feverfew, a relative of the sunflower, has been shown to help reduce inflammation that causes headaches. Look for it in capsule form in your health food store. Ginger can also reduce inflammation—try adding freshly crushed ginger root (about 1 inch) to boiling water to make a potent tea.

Aromatherapy answer

Tension headache getting you down? Head to the health food store and purchase some peppermint oil. Rubbing a small amount into your hairline and temples will create a tingly aroma that will encourage relaxation.

Get a lift from lime

An old-fashioned and effective way to treat headaches is to cut a lime in half and rub it on your forehead. In a few minutes, the throbbing should subside.

Check out Who Knew's 13 Secrets to Pill-Free Pain Relief

Uncover a hidden cause

Many headaches are caused by dehydration. Before you reach for the pain reliever, try drinking two or three glasses of water or an energy drink like Gatorade. You may find you’re back to normal in no time.

Muscle and joint pain

A kitchen cure

If you have chronic back pain—especially associated with arthritis—or other sore muscles, try adding yellow mustard to a hot bath. Add a few tablespoons for mild pain, and up to a whole 8-ounce bottle if the pain is severe. The bathwater may look strange, but your aching back will thank you.

End desk discomfort

If you find sitting at your desk is causing lower back pain, try slightly elevating your feet. And old phone book is perfect for the job.

Alleviate neck tension...

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The Best Jump Rope Workouts for Beginners and Experts


Since I was in grade school, Jump Rope for Heart has promoted fitness in schools while also raising money for heart health research and education. But the benefits of jumping rope go far beyond the school ground.

A few weeks ago Elizabeth sent me a message on Facebook saying:

Hello! Could you make a recommendation for a jump rope workout? I have one arriving today and don't know where to start. I'm trying to incorporate higher intensity cardio into my workout. Thanks!

I did, in fact, send Elizabeth a link to a jump rope workout that I really like but I did it with some hesitation. Jumping rope is pretty darn safe overall but, with any new workout modality, there are some risks involved, especially if you are just starting out or returning to it after a long hiatus.

Some common injuries that can occur with jumping rope are:

  • Twisted ankle
  • Ankle sprain
  • Shin splints
  • Calf strain
  • Achilles tendon strain
  • Plantar fasciopathy
  • Patellar tendonitis
  • Stress fractures

Now, I didn’t list those to scare you or put you off of jumping rope, I just wanted you to be aware that just because kids do this activity in the playground doesn’t mean it isn’t a killer workout that can certainly leave its mark.

The jump rope basics

Start by selecting a rope that is the correct length for you by stepping on the center of the rope, with your feet together, and then pull the handles straight up. When you do this, the handles should reach roughly the height of your shoulders.

Start by standing with your feet hip width apart, torso tall and your elbows bent at about a 45-degree angle. To begin with, until you get into some fancier jumping moves, you’ll want your elbows close in near your body. Make sure to use your wrists to swing the rope instead of your arms. You’ll find that once the rope gets moving it is easy to keep it going with just a flick of the wrist.

Beginners can start with about 30 seconds of consecutive jumping (or 50 repetitions) but limit yourself to three or four sets until you are certain your body can handle it.

To jump, simply push off from the balls of your feet and lift your feet just high enough to clear the rope and then land again with slightly bent knees to minimize the impact.

Beginners can start with about 30 seconds of consecutive jumping (or 50 repetitions) but limit yourself to three or...

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How to Self-Promote at Work Without Feeling Icky

Does the idea of having to self-promote leave you feeling like you need a shower? Sometimes, it seems showy and braggy and icky. The thought of having to do it may make your skin crawl. And yet, self-promotion is essential.

The key to promoting yourself is striking the balance between humility and hubris. You need to find ways to demonstrate confidence—in the service of creating opportunities—without seeming self-congratulatory or off-putting.

Doing great work isn’t enough

Doing great work—delivering important projects, delighting customers and clients, contributing innovative ideas—is crucial if we aspire to new challenges and opportunities at work. But these successes only serve us if the leaders and decision-makers around us have a clear understanding of what we’ve achieved and how we’ve impacted the business.

If you’re looking to get ahead at work, doing great work is only half the battle. The other half is shining the light on your achievements. And this, we accomplish through self-promotion.

Getting self-promotion wrong can have real consequences. Poorly orchestrated self-promotion can hinder your ability to grow. It limits people’s willingness to follow your leadership, to choose to collaborate with you, and to support your candidacy for roles you aspire to.

If you’re looking to get ahead at work, doing great work is only half the battle. The other half is shining the light on your achievements.

There are many strategies you can use to effectively and stealthily promote yourself—your achievements, your knowledge, your capabilities—without being off-putting. Here are my five favorite ways to self-promote without making my colleagues and superiors roll their eyes.

1. Be focused and intentional about self-promotion

Think of self-promotion as a means to an end, not a general way of being. Instead of tooting your horn at every single success (icky), identify specific achievements or successes that support a goal you’re striving to achieve.

If you’re hoping for an opportunity to take the lead on an upcoming client pitch, then choose a piece of feedback you’ve received from a client that highlights your ability to listen and respond to their needs. Make sure your boss, or the key decision-maker, sees that particular feedback.

But stay on-script! Stay focused on promoting your client attentiveness and don’t go overboard touting your graphic design or writing skills. Peers and colleagues will happily celebrate along with you in occasional moments of thoughtful self-promotion.

2. Hold others up next to you

Looking good isn't a zero-sum game—there can be lots of winners at...

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Senin, 22 Maret 2021

5 Strategies for Mindful Eating

Mindfulness is a beneficial practice that entails slowing down, taking note of body sensations and thoughts, and then applying that knowledge to build improved self-awareness and peace in various areas of your life. It should come as no surprise that mindfulness is a very effective strategy for improving your relationship with food. Here are a few ways to take advantage of the power of mindfulness as you work to build better eating habits.

Slow Down

Our lives are so fast-paced and chaotic these days that it's no wonder we apply the same mentality to our meal preparation and consumption. Furthermore, when we eat on the go, we're even more likely to simply scarf down our meals, leading to other problems such as poor digestion. Unfortunately, research shows that when you eat your food too fast it often results in overindulgence. Multiply those excess calories over the course of weeks and months, and without a doubt, you're bound to see rapid weight gain. When you eat, it can take up to 20 minutes for your stomach to get signals to your brain that you're full, so you can use mindfulness to slow down your meal consumption, thereby decreasing your chances of overeating.

To really put the potential of mindful eating to work here, consider focusing on the sensory experience of the meal, including the colors, textures, flavors, and temperatures of each food you're eating. Take the experience one bite at a time, really savoring every morsel of food.

Use an App

Mindful eating apps such as Go Eat Right Now are an excellent addition to any mindful eating program or personal eating plan. In contrast with other weight loss apps that merely track calories in and calories out, mindful eating apps help you accurately document your experience with food and build healthier habits through research-based mindful eating strategies. In addition, these apps provide you with tools to use when you face real-life eating challenges, such as intense food cravings.

Get a Buddy

Just as with any area of challenge in your life, it's helpful to approach the task of mindful eating with a partner. This might be as simple as intentionally sharing mealtime with a friend or loved one (helping you to slow down mealtime and cut back on excess food intake as mentioned before), planning meals with a friend who shares healthy eating habits, or participating in a mindful eating program with a...

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When to Use 'Nor'

Updated March 22, 2021

Today we’re going to get a bit negative by looking at the various times you can use the word “nor.”

How to use 'nor' with 'neither' in a sentence

Everybody knows that “neither” and “nor” are bosom buddies. They require balance. A “nor” usually follows a “neither” when they're used in the same sentence (1). For example, you might say:

I like neither hot dogs nor mustard.

You may also use “nor” if you’re talking about more than two items, but you must repeat “nor” after each element (2). So if you want to add ketchup to your list of dislikes, you have to say:

I like neither hot dogs nor mustard nor ketchup.

It would be incorrect to use an “or” anywhere in that sentence—or to leave out either case of “nor.”

“Neither” can appear at the beginning of a sentence as well as the middle. For example, “Neither the man nor the woman is a good surfer” is nice and balanced.

The issue gets a little complicated when the two items in the “neither-nor” part of the sentence are a mix of singular and plural. If you changed the sentence to discuss the surfing skills of two men and one woman (one plural, one singular), what would you do? Writer Patricia O'Connor (3) calls this “a two-headed creature,” but luckily for us, it’s not as complicated as it seems. Simply take the noun closest to the verb and ensure they agree:

Neither the men nor the woman is a good surfer.

Neither the woman nor the men are good surfers.

Note how we use the plural word “surfers” at the end there to keep everything in agreement.

“Nor” doesn’t necessarily have to appear in a sentence with the word “neither.” “Nor” can start a sentence. For example, if you’ve just mentioned that you don’t usually wake up at 6 a.m. and you want to continue being negative, you can start another sentence with “nor”: “Nor do I like to wake up at 5 a.m.” Another option is to combine the two negative ideas into one sentence and then start the second part with “nor”: “I don’t usually wake up at 6 a.m., nor do I like to wake up at 5 a.m.”

When to use 'or' instead of 'nor'

'Neither' and 'nor' are bosom buddies. They require balance.

In all our examples so far, we’ve used “nor” to indicate a negative state that...

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Survey Shows the Pandemic Made Us Value Our Pets Even More

There's no doubt that the pandemic gave us many reasons to grow closer to our pets. We found ourselves home more often, and also isolated from friends and family. In fact, that isolation seems to have caused an uptick in new pet ownership. One of the biggest reasons people cited for getting a new pet during the pandemic was loneliness.

A comprehensive pet ownership survey from Money.com revealed just how close Americans and their pets actually are. In mid-March, Money.com teamed up with Morning Consult to poll 2,200 Americans, including 1,384 pet owners. It probed not only changes in Americans' relationships with their pets during COVID-19 but also their pet-related spending and even how and why people brought new animal companions into their lives.

Money.com and Morning Consult wanted to know what people were willing to spend on their pets’ medical care and the degree to which they trusted their veterinarian's advice. They also wanted to understand how much pet owners actually know about pet insurance—the health-care coverage whose annual dollar sales have been growing annually by double-digit percentages in recent years—and to learn more about where they bought the policies.

Pet ownership survey results overview

  • Six in ten Americans reported valuing their animal companions more in the wake of the coronavirus crisis, and half said they're being more affectionate to them now.
  • More than half of the people who got a new pet during the pandemic cited loneliness as a reason.
  • More than a third of new pets were acquired at shelters, followed by breeders and pet stores. But regardless of how people came by their new pets, satisfaction was high and problems were few.
  • Veterinarians are trusted pet-care partners, with more than two-thirds of owners saying they’d follow their vet’s treatment advice.
  • Pet owners would spend big to save their animal friend. Two-thirds said they’d take any measure to save its life, regardless of cost.
  • Most respondents said they were familiar with pet insurance, but sizeable minorities of those people said policies reimburse for expenses they rarely, if ever, cover.

Here are five key findings from the Money.com/Morning Consult report.

Image Alt Text

View the full report at Money.com.

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Minggu, 21 Maret 2021

7 Fun and Easy Ideas for Celebrating Spring with Your Family

I love living in New England for dozens of reasons, but one of my favorites is the changing seasons. Not only do I get to experience all kinds of weather, but my senses take in unique sounds, distinct aromas, delicious seasonal tastes, and an explosion of colors from Mother Nature's palette.

Spring is a special season that delivers hope and promise to all who endured a long, frosty winter. If you're looking for some funtastic ways to kick off the vibrant season of spring, check out these ideas. 

Spring equals kite flying 

Kite flying and spring go hand in hand. And kites are on sale everywhere, from discount stores to online shopping sites. Once you've made your selection, as long as you have a bit of wind, you're ready to fly.

Kite experts from Kittyhawk.com offer these helpful tips to make your flying experience as fun and easy as possible.

  • Choose a perfect day. You need enough wind, but not too much. If the wind speeds are reaching 20 miles per hour or you expect rain or storms, it's best to stay home.
  • Find an open space. You should be away from houses, trees, and power lines.
  • Launch the kite. Stand with your back to the wind. Hold on to the bridle (where the string attaches to the front of the kite) and lift it into the air, letting the wind take it.
  • Get a partner's help. If the wind is light, have a helper take the kite downwind and hold it up while you hold the string. When you give the command, the helper lifts the kite into the air and you reel in the string hand-over-hand to help the kite gain altitude.

Check out this video, How to Fly a Kite, which demonstrates how easy it is to get started.

If your family's kite gets caught in a power line, don't attempt to retrieve it yourself—that's dangerous! Call the power company instead.

Plan a family garden

Spring is a time of renewal and growth. The days are longer and brighter, making outdoor family outings easier and more enjoyable. This also makes it an excellent time to plan a garden with your family.

The benefits of gardening are many. A garden is an unexpected way to get more physical activity. It also provides a sense of purpose because each family member will be involved with planning, preparing, planting, caring for the garden. Best of all, you get to enjoy the healthy fruits of your labors. And the vegetables, too!

If you have limited outdoor space, container gardening is a popular way...

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Jumat, 19 Maret 2021

8 Self-Care Tips for 2021

More and more people are visiting their local gym or finding ways to reduce stress and anxiety. They are learning to focus more and diet and exercise than simply relying on a supplement to keep them feeling their best. The following self-care tips can also help.

Get Enough Rest

Getting enough rest is difficult sometimes. It's hard to relax after a long, stressful day. Take a few minutes to wind down after dinner. Enjoy a hot bath or read a book. Spending a few minutes to calm your mind before you go to bed will help you get the 8 to 10 hours of sleep you need to feel fully refreshed and revitalized. We all need sleep. Find out what it takes for you to get the rest you need.

Eat Healthier

Eat a healthier diet that includes fewer processed foods and more fresh foods straight from the garden. Visit your local farmer's market and find ways to prepare your foods that won't deplete the nutrients. Take your time when you eat and enjoy your meal. Rushing through your meal puts stress on your digestive tract and makes it harder for you to get the nutrients you need. Eating healthy is more than just your food. It's also the size of your meals and when you choose to eat them. It's all part of building a healthy meal plan.

Take a Supplement If You Need One

Do a little research and find a brand of supplement you like. We all have times when we can use a little boost. Feeling a little under the weather? Take a supplement to add more of the nutrients you may be missing in your regular diet. Today, you have several different options. You no longer have to rely on large pills to get the nutrients you need. Liquid vitamins and gummies are also readily available.

Be More Active

Be more active. Exercise regularly. If you have trouble finding time for the gym, you do have other options. Go for a walk or simply park farther from your destination and get your steps in that way. Dance when you clean your house. Take 5-minute stretch breaks throughout the day. While exercise is essential, it isn't the only way to be more active. Find an activity you enjoy and have fun with it.

Check out Get-Fit Guy's podcast and blog for easy tips for getting moving and shaping up. 

Be More Aware

Be more aware of your environment. Eliminate as much negativity as you can....

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Speaking Out About Violence Against Asian Americans

On Tuesday, March 16th, a man killed eight people in Atlanta, Georgia. Six of the eight victims were women of Asian descent.

Before I go any further, I want to say the victims’ names. I want to honor them, because this story is not all about the perpetrator. The names that have been released so far include:

Xiaojie Tan
Daoyou Feng
Delaina Ashley Yaun Gonzalez
Paul Andre Michels
Elcias Hernandez-Ortiz, who was severely injured but survived

Asian women in America have historically suffered from the tropes of being interchangeable, disposable, exploitable, and sacrificial.

It’s especially important for us to remember the victims in these killings, most of whom were Asian women, because Asian women in America have historically suffered from the tropes of being interchangeable, disposable, exploitable, and sacrificial.

Personally, I’m feeling a complicated mix of grief, fear, and anger. I know many others, especially my fellow Asian Americans, feel the same way. Our hearts are broken for the victims and their loved ones. I can’t imagine their pain and trauma.

But what I can imagine—because my family and I, as well as many of my friends, have experienced it—is anti-Asian racism. Many Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have had similar experiences, especially during the surge of anti-Asian violence in the past year.

There were nearly 3,800 hate incidents against Asian Americans reported in the United States over the past 12 months. And that's likely an underestimate because it’s difficult to charge hate crimes against Asians. As The New York Times pointed out, "proving a racist motive can be particularly difficult with attacks against Asians... There is no widely recognized symbol of anti-Asian hate comparable to a noose or a swastika."

There were nearly 3,800 hate incidents against Asian Americans reported in the United States over the past 12 months.

If you’re also feeling helpless or crying angry tears, know that you’re not alone, and it’s completely okay to feel this way. Let yourself grieve, and tell your friends how you feel. During collective grief and trauma, we need to give ourselves and each other grace, and we should reach out for support.

Speaking of support, I also want to acknowledge the outpouring of solidarity that non-Asian communities are showing. On social media and in my personal life, I...

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Building Resilience: 7 Psychological Tips to Help You Bounce Back

Destiny’s Child told us what it’s like to be a survivor. Taylor Swift knows how to shake it off. And Elton John is still standing. What’s the common thread? A little thing glinting in the eye of the tiger called resilience.

Resilience is the ability to adapt and bounce back after experiencing stress and adversity, like bamboo canes that bend in the wind but don’t break. Think of a small, mom-and-pop bookstore that's close to bankruptcy because Amazon has become such a giant competitor. The owners might show resilience by shifting their marketing strategy and finding a way to build a loyal following. Or think of a child falling off her bicycle and scraping her knee. She might show resilience by getting back on that bike the next day and practicing again.

Resilient people are able to learn, change, and move forward, ultimately growing and thriving even when they run into obstacles.

Both the bookstore owners and the child were resilient because they were able to learn, change, and move forward, ultimately growing and thriving even when they ran into obstacles. Notice that resilience didn’t just befall them—no fairy godmother came to rescue them. Instead, their resilience came from within.

Is resilience always possible?

That's not to say resilience is all up to you. You may be dealing with many obstacles that are out of your control, so no matter how much grit and motivation you have inside, you're still held back. This is why critics of the resilience concept are worried. By advocating resilience, are we implying that all setbacks are the individual person’s fault and everyone should be left to fend for themselves?

In reality, many people carry the weight of systemic barriers, like racism, sexism, economic inequality, or other injustices, and individual resilience is not the answer to these problems.

Many people carry the weight of systemic barriers, like racism, sexism, economic inequality, or other injustices, and individual resilience is not the answer to these problems.

At the same time, we don’t need to throw the resilience baby out with the bathwater. While we fight for equity and justice, we can also cultivate our own resilience, which isn’t an empty idea. We can learn to be resilient by responding to adversity in psychologically healthy ways. In other words, when life gives us lemons, we can still practice making lemonade!

And “practice” is the key word here. Resilience is a skill, not a you-have-it-or-you-don’t trait. This is good news because it means you can have some control over how...

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Kamis, 18 Maret 2021

‘Normalcy’ or ‘Normality’?

I’m still waiting to get my first COVID vaccination, but man, I am starting to feel hope on the horizon, and it seems I’m not the only one because I’ve been getting questions like this one from Steve in Pataskala, Ohio:

“In reference to ‘returning to [life] after the pandemic’ I have wondered what is correct — ‘normalcy’ or ‘normality’?”


“Normality” is the slightly older word, and the short answer is that it’s also a little more respectable than “normalcy,” but “normalcy” has the more interesting history.

'Normalcy' and Warren Harding

“Normalcy” first showed up in some obscure references to mathematics, but it seems to have been popularized in the United States by president Warren Harding in the 1920s.

The Oxford English Dictionary labels it as “chiefly U.S.” and has these two citations, which I find funny back-to-back.

First, in 1920, Harding said, “America's present need is not heroics but healing; not nostrums but normalcy; not revolution but restoration.”

He went on to make his campaign slogan, “Return to normalcy.”

The next citation in the OED is from a 1929 tract from the Society for Pure English, that says, “If...‘normalcy’ is ever to become an accepted word it will presumably be because the late President Harding did not know any better,” because, as it turns out, “normalcy” is the result of an error by a U.S. president. 

In fact, Harding was apparently mocked at the time for using “normalcy,” but then his supporters came to his defense citing the earlier math references. But that wasn’t really the point. It did exist before he used it, but nobody imagined he was reading old math dictionaries and decided to use the word he found there. He wasn’t using it deliberately that way. He just got the usual word, “normality,” wrong.

I recommend saying we’re “getting back to normality.”

According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary of English Usage, people continued to use “normalcy,” often in criticisms of Harding and often in quotation marks to highlight their sarcasm. 

The closest  modern parallel I can think of is when people mocked George W. Bush for saying “nucular” instead of “nuclear.” But unlike “nucular,” “normalcy” seemed to catch on, and eventually, people moved from using it mockingly to using it as just another word...

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Frankly, My Dear, Do You Need a Comma After ‘Frankly’?

The phrase “Frankly, my dear,” begins one of the most memorable movie lines. Rhett Butler (played by Clark Gable), said those three words to start his final, parting line to Scarlett O’Hara (played by Vivien Leigh) in the 1939 movie “Gone with the Wind.” Even if you’ve never seen that movie, you’ve likely heard that movie line. It created quite a stir because it ended with profanity that was frowned upon onscreen at the time, even though the movie producer was granted an exception by the Hays Office to use it. Eventually, that controversy died down, but another controversy arose concerning that line that has nothing to do with profanity and everything to do with punctuation.

Frankly, my dear...

In the book “Gone with the Wind,” the word “frankly” is absent from that iconic line spoken by Rhett to Scarlett. The line just begins with “My dear,” followed by a comma. Movie producer David Selznick added “Frankly,” followed by a comma, and he was insistent about that, as can be seen in his list of possible, less-offensive ways to end the line. Each suggestion that he considered began with “Frankly, my dear,” with a comma after “Frankly” and after “dear.”  For example, one of those suggestions was for Rhett to say, “Frankly, my dear, it is of no consequence,” which might be what some of you are thinking about this article’s focus on the commas in that line. 

Is it of any consequence whether or not “frankly” is followed by a comma? It was to William Safire, a writer for The New York Times. In 1994, when CBS produced its spinoff “Scarlett” series, one of its advertisements had the beginning of that iconic “Gone with the Wind” movie line captioned onscreen as “Frankly my dear,” with no comma after “Frankly.” That prompted Safire to give CBS his annual Bloopie Award because of the missing punctuation. 

Adverbs at the beginning of a sentence

But, wait, an adverb at the beginning of a sentence doesn’t have to have a comma, right? That’s correct. 

The word “frankly” is an adverb and when used at the beginning of a sentence, it is called a sentence adverb. Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, but ...

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6 Items You Should Never Put in the Garbage Disposal

A few episodes back, I talked about 8 items you should never put in a dishwasher. The other day I got to thinking about our garbage disposal and mistakes we’ve made with it over the years. There are definitely items that should never be put in a garbage disposal. I haven’t heard many people talk about this, which means they are likely learning these lessons the hard way. Putting these items in a garbage disposal can cause dull blades, clogged drains, or even completely breaking the disposal for good.

Help keep your garbage disposal running well by never putting any of the following items down a garbage disposal.

See Also: 10 Tips That Will Change How You Clean Your Kitchen

1.) Non-food items

First and foremost, no non-food items should ever be put in a garbage disposal. It may be obvious that metal items like silverware should not go in the garbage disposal. If it’s not obvious, as soon as you have a spoon end up in the running blades, you’ll know that it’s not right. The garbage disposal is not a trash, and even things like plastic and paper can damage the blades. Any items that are not food should always go straight in to the trash.

2.) Grease and oils

The second item that shouldn’t go in the garbage disposal is grease. Animal fats, oils, and grease can coat the blades and cause them to become less effective. Grease can also accumulate in both the garbage disposal and the sink drains, which can lead to some nasty clogs. If you haven’t picked up on this one yet, putting grease and fats down the garbage disposal will eventually lead to a call to your friendly neighborhood plumber.

3.) Starchy foods

The next item on the list is one that I learned the hard way. We love to host Thanksgiving dinner, and one year I decided to toss my potato peels in to the garbage disposal. While it seemed that things were OK for a while, when we turned on the dishwasher to run before all our company arrived, we realized that the starchy peels had formed a thick paste and clogged the garbage disposal. Since the dishwasher drains through the same pipes, we ended up flooding our kitchen right as the first guests were arriving. It was an absolute disaster, and thankfully our friends were there to help catch the dirty water and my husband was handy enough to open the pipes and remove the clog.

Don’t make my mistake and never, ever put starchy items like potatoes, rice,...

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Rabu, 17 Maret 2021

Unpacking Copy Trading: The Best Option for Crypto Trading Newbs?

The fast-paced and constantly evolving crypto space is an exciting field for investors, offering a unique opportunity in an asset class that has outperformed all others over the last decade.

However, the potential on offer is not without risk, and the volatility and permissionless nature of the crypto market can seem daunting to the novice trader. But what if there was a more passive way for newbies to capture some of the best opportunities without the trading skills, time, and analysis needed to keep track and manage risk? Enter copy trading.

What Is Copy Trading?

Copy trading is a form of social trading that has grown in popularity in recent years among investors who lack the expertise or time commitment in a particular market, such as crypto. It allows traders' positions to be replicated automatically by copiers, leveraging the skills and knowledge of those with more experience in that market.

Copiers can diversify their investment portfolio into more unfamiliar markets by allocating a percentage to expert traders in that field and copying new positions they take out at the same ratio. For example, if a copier allocates 10% of their portfolio to a particular trader, who opens a position worth 10% of their portfolio, 10% of the copy allocation would then take the same trade – equal to 1% of the copier’s overall portfolio. Alternatively, a fixed amount may be allocated to a trade or trader.

It allows traders' positions to be replicated automatically by copiers, leveraging the skills and knowledge of those with more experience in that market.

The entire management of the trade including the opening of a position, stop losses, take profits, and closing will be copied and executed unless the copier wanted to override that for any reason, retaining the ability to control and manage individual trades. Copiers can also end the relationship with a trader at any time as copy trading does not eliminate risk, past performance is no guarantee of future success, and copiers are still responsible for the trades made.

Therefore, it is not a completely passive process as analysis of the performance, activity, and track-record of traders will still need monitoring. A diversified balance of copy traders should be used to ensure copiers are not increasing risk unnecessarily with a reliance on too few traders copied.

How Does Copy Trading Work?

Copy trading works by harnessing the social networks on trading platforms, providing transparency over the positions and...

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5 Ways the American Rescue Plan Puts Money in Your Pocket

When President Biden was inaugurated, he pledged to make COVID-19 relief a top priority. You probably heard that the latest stimulus, the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act was signed into law on March 11, 2021. It’s the third round of assistance designed to boost the U.S. economy as it continues to struggle from the pandemic.

The American Rescue Plan Act was signed into law on March 11, 2021.

ARP is a massive $1.9 trillion package that gives funding to state and local governments, schools, infrastructure projects, COVID testing and vaccination programs, and more. According to the Tax Foundation, about $850 billion will go to individuals and about $65 billion to businesses. Most of the provisions are temporary expansions to manage the pandemic. However, some benefits may likely become permanent. 

The relief for individuals comes in the form of stimulus checks and various tax credits, building on benefits from previous laws, such as the CARES Act. Today, we'll review five ways the recent stimulus helps individuals. We’ll cover who qualifies for payments and other significant benefits.

How the American Rescue Plan of 2021 Helps Individuals

Here’s the detail on several ways ARP may put money in your pocket.

1. Receiving a stimulus payment

For this round of Economic Impact Payments, which are also called recovery rebates or stimulus payments, the qualifying income levels are lower. That means some people who received previous payments won't be eligible for the third payment. However, those who qualify will get larger payments (the previous rounds were $1,200 and $600 per person). 

The third stimulus payment will be $1,400 per eligible person if you have adjusted gross income of up to $75,000 for single filers, $112,500 for head-of-household, or $150,000 for married couples filing a joint tax return.

The third stimulus payment will be $1,400 per eligible person if you have adjusted gross income of up to $75,000 for single filers, $112,500 for head-of-household, or $150,000 for married couples filing a joint tax return. 

Those earning up to $80,000 for a single, $120,000 for head-of-household, and $160,000 for joint...

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Selasa, 16 Maret 2021

Should You Trust Your Calorie Counter?

Nutrition Diva listener James writes:

I was wondering if you could devote an episode to calories: how they're measured, how we process them, what a bomb calorimeter is, and all the problems with counting calories.

What do calories measure? 

A calorie is a unit of measure, like an inch or a kilogram. Only instead of measuring length or weight, a calorie measures energy. Technically, a calorie is the amount of energy it takes to raise one gram of water by one degree Celsius.

Calories can be measured by something called a bomb calorimeter. You might have even built a crude version of a bomb calorimeter in science class. In broad strokes, you submerge a chamber in a bucket of water and put a thermometer in the water. Inside the submerged chamber, you set something on fire. The heat generated by the combustion raises the temperature of the water in the bucket, which you can measure with the thermometer. You can then calculate the amount of energy or calories were in the thing you set on fire. 

If we habitually take in more energy than we use, we gain weight. So, we use calories as a guideline to determine how much food energy a person needs.

We used to use bomb calorimeters to calculate how many calories a given food contains. These days, however, it’s more common to estimate the number of calories based on how much protein, fat, and carbohydrate a food contains.  (These amounts can be determined through chemical analysis.)

When we’re using the word "calorie" in relation to food, by the way, we’re actually referring kilocalories.  Sometimes you’ll see calories abbreviated as kcal and that’s what that refers to. When we say that a food that contains 60 calories, it technically contains 60,000 calories. But all those zeros would would be a pain to deal with so we just lop them off. This drives phycisists and chemists absolutely nuts.

Why do calories matter? 

Just like in that bomb calorimeter, our...

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The 11 Best Ways to Get Rid of Mosquitoes

As the saying goes, "If you think you're too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito." These pesky creatures are the bane of our skin's existence, but there are plenty of methods you can use to effectively repel them when the need arises. 

1. DIY bug spray

Use this (almost) all-natural insect spray to repel mosquitoes as well as other insects like flies. Chop one small onion and one head of garlic. Mix together with four cups of water, four teaspoons of cayenne pepper, and one tablespoon of liquid dish soap. Spray around your deck and in places where your children play (rather than on the children themselves). This mixture will last a week or so if stored in a jar with a tight-fitting lid and kept in a dark, cool place.

Although it's safe, this mixture is meant for use in your environment, not on your skin.

2. Another DIY bug spray

If you’re uncomfortable with all of the unpronounceable ingredients in commercial bug sprays, try making this natural version. Mix together a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar, a quarter cup of witch hazel, and around 20 drops of a combination of any the following essential oils: rosemary, citronella, tea tree, cedar, eucalyptus, or lemongrass. Transfer the mixture to a spray bottle, and shake before each use. Spray directly on exposed skin and the bugs will stay away!

Check out Who Knew's 17 Things You Didn't Know Essential Oils Could Do

3. Lemon eucalyptus

When shopping for a natural mosquito repellent, look for one that contains oil of lemon eucalyptus. It’s extremely effective and provides long-lasting protection.

4. Peppermint

Looking for an effective-yet-natural way to combat mosquitoes? Try peppermint! Combine a few drops of peppermint essential oil with one cup of water in a spray bottle, shake well, and spray onto skin. Not only will the chemical compounds in peppermint help repel the blood-sucking beasts, but you’ll also smell minty fresh!

5. Rosemary and sage

Do mosquitoes hover over the grill when you barbecue? Next time, place a few springs of rosemary or sage on top of the coals. The scent will repel mosquitoes, leaving your meat in peace.

Do you feel like you're a mosquito magnet? Read Ask...

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