Kamis, 10 Oktober 2019

Finding What You're Meant to Do

Let me begin with the most basic and important of all truths: Your presence on planet Earth is a serious matter. You are worthy and were created to enjoy every gift that this world has to offer.

As my friend the illustrator and podcaster Andy J. Pizza says, “People love diamonds because they are rare, but what’s more rare than an individual?”

“Whether you believe in God or science, your DNA and the experiences you’ve had make you the most rare thing on the planet,” he says. “There never was and never will be another you. Your existence is the only proof we need that there is something only you can share with the world, something which will make it more whole and more beautiful.”

I bet you read this post because there is something gnawing at you.

It’s not that you don’t feel like you’re enough. A part of you has always known you’re capable of so much, but you’re fed up with playing small or sitting it out. You want to live up to your potential and when you don’t, well, I suspect that’s where anxiety creeps in.

There’s a mission born inside you that is so big and so brilliant that your only option is to live up to that potential or spend the rest of your days in a wasteland of doubt and despair.

Once we begin to understand that how we show up in one area of our lives is how we show up in all areas of our lives, then we can begin working toward a more holistic and integrated state of purpose, success, and happiness.

When you hear that inner wisdom whisper, “You are here to do something great,” listen up! You are about to be led to the exact opportunities that will empower you to share your unique talents with the world.

Most people who are not excited to wake up every day usually do not grasp the breadth and wealth of possibilities. Perhaps you were told your dream was not reasonable or you lacked the strategies to bring it to fruition. I [wrote my book] to help with all of that.

Let’s excavate the old ideas around who you are. Let’s explore what turns you on, what brings you joy, what you want to learn. Let’s start shifting your priorities toward what you want more of in this lifetime.

The more you let things flow into your ecosystem, whether it’s money or love or friends or creativity, the more you have to share. The more you make your well-being a priority, the more you can serve others. The happier you are, the more you give others permission to do whatever makes them happy too.

Because ultimately we’re here to serve. The more you have, the more generous you can be.

Only one-third of people innately know what they’re meant to do....

Keep reading on Quick and Dirty Tips

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