Kamis, 31 Oktober 2019

4 Tips for Tackling Midterm Essays

Midterms often have a tendency of sneaking up on you. One minute you’re starting the semester and settling into a routine, and the next you’re facing a midterm exam that will have a major impact on your grade. While this can prompt a great deal of stress, midterms can be successfully tackled with thoughtful planning and preparation. One style midterm you may encounter incorporates essays. Depending on your teacher and course, the essay could be given in class during the allotted midterm exam time, or in the form of a take-home assignment.

There are many strategies you can implement to ace your midterm essay. Keep reading to learn four tips for tackling midterm essays this fall. 

1. Take good notes and use them wisely

As mentioned above, depending on the class or instructor, your midterm essay might be written in class or completed as a take-home assignment. Regardless, your most important task is to showcase a high-level of understanding of the material the class has covered so far. Set yourself up for success by going to class and taking detailed notes. Pay close attention to recurring themes and note the questions and topics from any previous quizzes or assignments. 

Going through your notes after each class will further cement the information in your brain.

Additionally, don’t wait until right before it’s time to write your essay to review your notes. Going through your notes after each class will further cement the information in your brain. It can also help to work with a study group, as sharing notes can help fill in any gaps you might have regarding the material. 

2. Manage your time wisely

Whether you’re writing the essay outside of class or in an exam setting, you’ll need to have a strategy for using your time wisely. 

In the case of a take-home essay exam, this is as simple as giving yourself deadlines for each stage. For example, create a schedule for making an outline, writing a first draft, making revisions, and finalizing your essay. Make sure you allow time for proofreading to avoid any last-minute errors...

Keep reading on Quick and Dirty Tips

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