Selasa, 23 Juli 2019

Visualizing Will Help You Turn Dreams to Results

Today we’re going to talk about how to visualize for results. Really. Backed by decades of scientific research and discussed in the book Rethinking Positive Thinking  by Professor Gabrielle Oettingen. The technique has been applied to everything from drinking self-regulation to getting over regret.

When you were a kid, didn’t you just love the idea that you could think of something and it would magically happen? You would bounce down the street, thinking about how good an ice cream cone would be, and one would appear in your hand. You’d scrunch up your face and think hard about how great it would be if your friends were around, and amazingly, they would appear! You’d wish that the old chemical factory would explode in the middle of the night so you could take a day off of school. That one probably didn’t come true because everyone who works there was wishing really hard that the factory wouldn’t explode so they could keep their jobs. They were very selfish.

Then, you grew up, hit puberty, and became a teenager. You spent hours each day wishing for … certain things. (At least you did if you were a boy; I can’t speak for girls.) In fact, you did almost nothing except wish for … certain things. And they didn’t happen. They didn’t happen so much that there’s an entire genre of comedy about teenagers who are wishing hard, but it’s just not happening.

Wishing doesn’t make things happen by magic. It does make things happen by motivation.

But our wishes never seem to make things magically happen. So, in spite of this tremendous disconfirming evidence, why do we continue to believe that we’ll be able to wish and make it so?

Because while wishing doesn’t make things happen by magic, it does make things happen by motivation. But only if you do it right. You have to feel the desire, and then show your brain that your current...

Keep reading on Quick and Dirty Tips

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