Minggu, 14 Juli 2019

8 Valuable Lessons Learned From Toy Story

My kids and I kicked off our summer season with an incredibly special family night—we hit the movie theater and enjoyed an amazing road trip with Woody, Buzz and the other endearing, iconic characters of Disney’s Toy Story 4 for their best adventure yet!

What struck me most about watching this inspired group of loveable and heroic toys rally, yet again, for the love of their “kid” was how many incredible, life-learning moments this series has taught us for nearly 25 years. As the mom of eight kids, I thought I’d share eight of my favorite takeaways from this Pixar masterpiece.

Change Is the Only Constant—Embrace it!

As parents, we learn quickly that although we’d love for time to stand still when we embrace our newborn for those first sweet weeks, the infant stage won't last. They outgrow their newborn diapers and onesies faster than even Buzz’s lightyear travels. As parents, we watch our kids grow in leaps and bounds. Their personalities, habits, weaknesses and strengths change faster than the speed of light. (Thank you, Buzz!)

But many of us dislike change. In 8 Reasons Why It's so Hard to Really Change Your Behavior, columnist David DiSalvo says, “One review of 129 behavior change studies found that the consistently least effective change strategies hinged on fear and regret. As much as this sounds like a platitude, real change needs a positive platform to launch from; you need positive, self-edifying reasons for taking on the challenge.”

Toy Story helps us realize that we can’t stop change. It’s necessary to help us grow and learn.

Fear is definitely a factor that makes many of us dread change. We have no control over the things we can’t predict or know until we’ve experienced them. Toy Story 3 portrayed this message beautifully. Andy, the child whose toys make up the characters in Toy Story, is preparing to depart for college. Although they have mixed feelings about watching him leave, Woody observes how his owner’s family is able to embrace the new adventures that await Andy. Now, Woody realizes it’s time for him to do the same thing. He recommends that he and his friends be passed along to a new child, Bonnie, to start a new beginning of their own. As Andy drives down the road, Woody sadly whispers, "So long, partner.", accepting that it's time to move on. (I cried for hours after that scene!)

Toy Story helps us realize that we can’t stop change. It’s necessary to help us grow and learn. As parents, we need to embrace it to raise successful,...

Keep reading on Quick and Dirty Tips

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