Rabu, 02 Mei 2018

5 Sweet Ways to Celebrate Baby Day

5 Sweet Ways to Celebrate Baby Day

May is synonymous with May flowers, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, and family cookouts, but it’s also known for something equally as special—Baby Day.

May 2 marks the day we celebrate adorable, precious babies. No one is exactly certain why or how May 2 became known as Baby Day, but there is a great focus on babies throughout the entire month of May. It could be that spring is the time of renewal and a baby’s new life is something very special to enjoy and celebrate. Regardless of whether you’re a new parent or someone who is simply crazy about babies, here are five ways you can party on Baby Day.

5 Ways to Celebrate Baby Day

  1. Read a Great Book Celebrating Babies
  2. Connect With New Moms
  3. Capture Memories
  4. Have a Baby Date
  5. Love Them Even When They’re Not Babies

Let's explore each in more detail below.

1. Read a Great Book Celebrating Babies

Love you Forever by Robert Munsch is a book that will really touch your heart (so have tissues ready). It is a great story of enduring love, loving your baby or child through the good times and even the driving-you-crazy times, from infancy to the end of our lifetime. For a collection of highly recommended books to bring to a baby shower, check out this link from Barnes and Noble.  

2. Connect With New Moms

Even if you don’t have a new baby in your life, you probably know a friend or family member who has a sweet bundle of joy. Not only do babies need to be loved but so do their parents. Lots of attention is paid to the brand new baby and his parents soon after birth, but after they get settled in to their new routine, it’s easy to get caught up in your own life again and forget about this new being. Reach out to a family whose baby isn’t so new and see if you can stop by for a visit, surprise them with a meal, or offer to babysit for a few hours so mom and dad can get out for a nice dinner alone.

3. Capture Memories

It’s always fun to capture your precious baby on film or video throughout their different milestones. Some parents take a photo every year on the baby’s birthday, or on the first of school. Start marking Baby Day as a memory maker, and take a photo of your baby every year on May 2 and then compare them as you watch the amazing transformation from young baby to young adult. This could be a fun tradition for your children to pass on to theirs as well.

4. Have a Baby Date

If you have a baby, spend the day doing something special with him. Don’t rush in the morning. Instead, sit and cuddle your baby for as long as you can. Don’t just go through the motions during bath and feeding time, stop and enjoy massaging your infant after his bath and look into his eyes when you're nursing or giving him a bottle. Notice the incredible smell of your newborn after you diaper him and rub baby lotion all over his cute, chubby legs. Get into total baby mode—just the two of you and cherish every coo, gurgle, and smile that your baby shares. Write these feelings down in his baby book so a year from now, when he’s toddling all over the house and becoming more independent, you can re-read your precious memories and continue to be in awe of your amazing child, who will in some way always be your baby.

5. Love Them Even When They’re Not Babies

Babies start out so innocent, cuddly, and needy. They depend on their parents and caregivers to nurture and protect them when they are so tiny and helpless. Soon, babies grow and mature into children, teens, and young adults. There is a wonderful quote that reminds us it doesn’t matter how old they get or how big they grow, they will always need your love: “A baby is born with a need to be loved and never outgrows it.”

So even if your baby is in college, married, or a parent herself—take a moment today to let your "big baby" know how happy you are that you are her parent.

For more tips on babies, pregancy and how you can help your family stay happy and healthy visit the Mighty Mommy page at QuickandDirtyTips.com.

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