Selasa, 12 Oktober 2021

8 Ways to Get Rid of Flies

If your home is being invaded by flies, we've got 8 ways you can show them who's boss. 

Use duct-tape to catch flies

Flying insects waiting to greet you every time you walk in the door? Tape five to ten pieces of duct tape to themselves (making a ring with the sticky side out), then hang them near overhead lights. When the bugs become stuck, simply throw out the tape and problem solved!

10 Things You Didn't Know Duct Tape Could Do

Spray to lead bugs astray

If flies or bees have invaded your home and you want to get them away from you fast, squirt a little hairspray into the air. They hate the stuff and will go elsewhere.

Give flies the brush-off

If you prefer not to use chemicals to get rid of flies, and you’re not the most accurate fly swatter, invest in a strong fan. Scientists say that flies’ wings are unable to operate in a breeze above 9 mph, so open the windows, turn the fan to full power, and they’ll soon buzz off.

This is also a great trick for an outdoor party—just aim a few fans at the center of the action instead of spraying down your yard with awful-smelling repellent.

Orange peel answer

You may find the smell of oranges delicious, but flies don’t! The next time you eat an orange, save the rind and leave it out on your countertop. It will keep flies away.

Fruit fly fix

Have a fruit fly problem? Add a couple of drops of dishwashing liquid to a bowl of apple cider vinegar and leave it where you see flies. The smell of the vinegar attracts the flies, while the dish soap breaks the surface tension of the vinegar and causes the flies to get stuck. 

A fresh way to fight flies

Giant horseflies can drive you crazy. Next time you go outside, rub mouthwash on your body and enjoy the serenity of a fly-free experience.

18 Ways to Get More Out of Vinegar

Keep flies away from your pool

There’s nothing more irritating than having flies and other bugs swarm around you while you’re trying to take a dip in the pool. We’ve had some luck keeping bugs away by applying a liberal amount of vinegar around the perimeter of the pool with a sponge.

Spice up your deck

Use this (almost) all-natural insect spray to repel mosquitoes as well as other insects like flies:

  1. Chop 1 small onion and 1 head of garlic
  2. Mix together with 4 cups water, 4 teaspoons cayenne pepper,...
Keep reading on Quick and Dirty Tips

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