Selasa, 24 September 2019

Iron Deficiency and Hair Loss

A small amount of hair collecting in the shower drain or hairbrush is not necessarily cause for concern. According to the Academy of Dermatology, it's perfectly normal to lose 100 or so hairs from your head every day.

Gradually thinning hair as you age is also normal, and largely hereditary. But hair loss—especially when it's sudden or at a young age—can also be a sign of certain medical conditions or nutrient deficiencies.

In these cases, identifying and correcting the problem can often reverse your hair loss. But the sudden onset of thinning hair is not the time for self-diagnosis or treatment. Guessing wrong and treating a problem that doesn't exist not only won't help; it may actually make the problem worse!

What causes thinning hair?

Two of the most common non-hereditary causes of hair loss are low thyroid function and iron deficiency. Both are relatively common, especially in women. And although they are two completely different conditions, they share some of the same symptoms. In addition to hair loss, fatigue and cold hands and feet can be signs of both low thyroid and iron deficiency. These conditions are readily diagnosed with a simple blood test. They can be easily corrected, either with replacement thyroid hormones or iron supplements.

Two of the most common non-hereditary causes of hair loss are low thyroid function and iron deficiency.

If you suspect you might be low in iron, ask your doctor to confirm your suspicions before taking any iron supplements. Taking an over-the-counter iron supplement if you don't have an iron deficiency is potentially harmful.

If it turns out you're not low in iron, it's time to connect with your doctor and keep looking for other possible explanations for your symptoms.

If you are iron deficient, your doctor will likely want to recheck your levels after a few weeks of supplementation. If the iron supplements don't seem to be helping, work with your doctor to explore and rule out less common causes of iron deficiency.

How much iron do I need?

Although it's not a good idea to take iron supplements unless you know you need them, it is a good idea to make sure your diet contains enough iron to meet your needs. Here are the recommended daily allowances for various groups:

  • Adolescent girls: 15 mg per day
  • Adolescent boys: 11 mg per day
  • Adult men and post-menopausal women: 8 mg per day
  • Menstruating women: 18 mg per day
  • Pregnant women: 27 mg per day

The three groups that are most likely to fall short are adolescent girls and premenopausal or pregnant women.

What to eat to get more iron...

Keep reading on Quick and Dirty Tips

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