Senin, 02 September 2019

5 Ways to Be the Best in the World at What You Do

Bo Eason, former pro athlete, playwright, and acclaimed leadership coach, has worked with Olympic medalists, military leaders, bestselling authors, professional athletes, and business executives to explain his tried and true four step process to being the best YOU you could possibly be.

In Eason's book, There's No Plan B For Your A-Game, he explains how to develop the character, integrity, and commitment it takes to be successful. Here are 5 of his key tips.

Tip #1 - To be the best, you need to be unreasonable

This world is run by people who are unreasonable. Think of Richard Branson. Think of Oprah. Think of Tom Brady. Think of anybody who's achieved something great.

When I was a kid, I wanted to play pro football. Do you know the odds of me becoming a pro football player? 0.03%.

I didn't care that the odds were impossible. I just went forward. Those are the people who succeed.

If I'd been a reasonable nine year old, would I have made a plan to be the best safety in the world? Heck, no. I would've known that the odds were slim and gone on to have some boring life. No one would have paid attention to what I was doing, and I would've been filled with regret. But because I didn't have a reasonable bone in my body when I made that dream, and when I made that plan, I didn't care that the odds were impossible. I just went forward. Those are the people who succeed.

So, you have to be completely unreasonable and reap rewards.

Tip #2 - A goal isn’t enough to get you to the top

Do you have a mission? A goal? A dream?

Look, those are all fine ... but if you really want to get somewhere significant, if you want to end up at the top, if you want to be the best, you need something with a little more weight to it.

That’s why I create declarations.

I’ve created four of them in my life. My kids create them. All my clients create them.

Declarations say: This is who we are, this is how we live, these are our values, this is what we believe.

Declarations say: This is who we are, this is how we live, these are our values, this is what we believe. You have to declare what you want to be the best at and live out of that declaration.

You have to declare what you want to be the best at and live out of that declaration.

Tip #3 - Distractions can be your greatest advantage

When you hear people say “We live in the most distracted time in human history,” what’s your first reaction?

A lot of people feel depressed. I almost start drooling with anticipation.


Because it’s a huge...

Keep reading on Quick and Dirty Tips

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