Rabu, 12 Juni 2019

6 Foods to Prevent Gout or Relieve a Gout Attack

Here are 6 substances that will help you avoid gout or relieve a gout attack quickly. But first, learn more here: What Is Gout?

Life Is a Bowl of Cherries

If you’re having an attack of gout, grab yourself a bowl of cherries. They contain an anti-inflammatory called anthocyanin, which reduces gout pain. Eat a few handfuls of cherries every day during an attack. If you can’t find fresh cherries, drink a cup of cherry juice or eat dried cherries.

A Cup of Joe

Attention coffee lovers: high coffee intake can help prevent gout. Drinking four, five, and even six or more cups of coffee a day is associated with a 40 to 60 percent reduction in the risk for gout for men. While there may be other reasons you might not want to drink so much coffee (jittery, anyone?), if you’re at risk for gout, ask your doctor if upping your coffee intake could work for you.


Apple cider vinegar is thought to help gout pain and to prevent attacks. Try taking a tablespoon in the morning and evening. If you don’t like the taste of it straight, simply dilute it by mixing it into a glass of water. You can even add a little honey to sweeten it up.

See Also: How to Diagnose and Treat Gout

Drink to Your Health

Stay hydrated. By drinking plenty of water and other liquids (cranberry juice, cherry juices, and herbal teas are good options), you can flush excess uric acid from your system, so that you have less pain.

Eat Turmeric

Add more turmeric into your diet. It can help reduce inflammation associated with gout. Turmeric will add a beautiful color to your favorite dishes as well as a subtle flavor...

Keep reading on Quick and Dirty Tips

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