Selasa, 04 Desember 2018

2 Easy Ways to Manage Multiple Email Accounts

Today’s topic is how to deal with multiple email inboxes. Listener Jodie Kirby, the recruiting yogini, writes in:

I’m struggling! I’m a consultant managing multiple Google and Office 365 accounts. I’m making it work and yet there’s gotta be an elegant solution. Help! - Namaste

Jodie, when you want elegance, the place to turn is, of course, England. Because they have such delightful accents and castles. And the Buckingham Palace guards. 

Fortunately, we’re in luck! Grandma Cuddles’ Day Care center is welcoming Claire, their newest employee. She’s come over from England, where she claims she was a landscape architect. She was known for designing parks and charming little lanes in the English countryside. Whether it’s a riverbank that resists global warming, or an innocent little park that corrals zombies into dead-end paths and...neutralizes them, Claire is up to any challenge. 

Best of all, Claire just loves little children! 

Claire: I do! Especially with chocolate sauce. That’s how I got my nickname, Chocolatey Claire.

Oh, my! Chocolatey Claire has quite a sense of humor! She’s coming on board to be Director of Procurement. 

Claire: I’m looking forward to the job. It’s right up my alley. Literally. The Pied Piper of Cuddles is how I like to think of it.

Cuddles plans to have Claire design a pleasant garden for the kids to play in. It will, of course, be bordered by Audrey IIs, so the little tykes don’t accidentally wander astray. And if one does, there won’t be any evidence. 

Claire: Audrey IIs are an attractive-yet-functional addition to any landscape.

Email Accounts Propagate

Claire’s first task is to get all her tech set up. She’s at the center of a vast web of communication. Her work on global warming happens at Her private clients email her as, and of course, she’s now as well. It’s a mess! Every day she has to remember to check three email accounts, and things fall through the cracks on a regular basis.

You can use several different clients with one server. If you have email that comes in to a Gmail account, you could read and reply from that same account in Gmail, from Apple Mail, or from Outlook.

The human race uses many email systems. Too many. They have different capabilities and don’t necessarily all play nice with each other. We’re going to get Claire sorted by using one of two solutions...

Keep reading on Quick and Dirty Tips

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