Senin, 12 Agustus 2019

How to Create and Use an Ideas File

They say one of the secrets to extraordinarily innovative people is that they have lots of ideas. Maybe. But maybe we all have lots of ideas. You have brilliant ideas, like putting your town under a sleeping curse so you can hoard all the Oreo ice cream cake. It’s a worthy goal. Maybe you just need the ability to make your ideas come true.

(Also, check with the producers of Once Upon a Time, because let’s face it, your idea may have been “inspired” by seven seasons of watching that plot play out.)

Want to make an idea come true? First, you have to remember the idea. We don’t bother with memorizing anymore. We trust our smartphones to remember for us, freeing our brains to scroll happily through social media, click on “Like” buttons, and inform people who are wrong on the internet that their opinions hold no merit.

But in order to be the next Einstein, you have to remember your ideas. You have to capture them in the first place. Then you have to organize them. And then you have to get them back when it’s time to turn your idea into the next revolutionary Big Thing.

Capture Your Ideas Using Audio

One great thing about smartphones is that you can use them to record audio. Move your audio recording app front and center. When you find yourself having a good idea, pull out your smartphone (if you’re like me, it’s in your hand anyway), fire up the recording app, and talk through your idea on audio.

Voice capture is great for non-linear ideas and things that require explanation and description. We can even close our eyes and just talk through the idea with no distractions. 

Voice capture is great for non-linear ideas and things that require explanation and description.

With a smartphone, you have to look at the keyboard as you type. Plus typing is a lot slower. Half of your brain is taken up being distracted by artificial intelligence autocorrecting your properly-spelled word into something completely different. 


Keep reading on Quick and Dirty Tips

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