Kamis, 14 Mei 2020

A Family Guide to Decluttering the House

More people, more things. More things, more clutter. It's an equation as old as materialism. But don't worry, these six decluttering solutions should keep your mess in check.

How to Declutter the House

  1. Tame the Toys
  2. Stuffed Animal Chaos, Solved
  3. Create a Kids’ Art Book
  4. On-the-Go at Your Front Door
  5. Make Your Own Mud Room
  6. Mirror Message Board

Let's dive into each tip further.

1. Tame the Toys

Is your kid’s bedroom or playroom a tornado of toys and stuffed animals? If so, we hear you. Get a handle on the collection by purchasing a toy hammock: Hang it from one corner of the room, and toss in as many items as you can. Keep favorites near the top of the hammock pile for quick access.

2. Stuffed Animal Chaos, Solved

A roll of self-adhesive Velcro can be your best friend when it comes to storing and organizing your kid’s toys! Affix the rough, hooked side to a wall in your child’s room, and then cut up the soft side and affix to toys. You may even get your child to help you during clean-up time.

3. Create a Kids’ Art Book

Are your refrigerator, bulletin board, and various walls around the house covered in one-of-a-kind kid’s artwork? When it’s time to replace old pieces with new ones, compile them into a keepsake binder for storage, using large plastic sleeves that will hold bulkier textured work like macaroni, beaded, and sparkle art. Leave the binder on display in your living room so guests can view a retrospective of your child’s artwork—or store it safely in a box until your little Picasso has more to add.

4. On-the-Go at Your Front Door

The entryway of our house is guaranteed to be littered with accessories all year round: gloves,...

Keep reading on Quick and Dirty Tips

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