Selasa, 31 Desember 2019

A Round-Up of Fitness Gear for the New Year

Over the last few weeks, I sent a message out to you listeners and readers. I asked you to let me know the pieces of fitness gear that have served you so well in this last decade that you'll be bringing them with you into the new one. I received a bunch of emails and a pile of voicemail detailing everything from basic stuff like running shoes (thanks Genn) to more elaborate things I actually had to look up like a Bowflex Max Trainer (thanks Karen).

Before we dive into more of the gear submitted by the public, I'd like to recap some of the gear I covered in the past year.

Gear I talked about in 2019

Back in January, I took a look at Occlusion Training and how it can aid in muscle growth and allow you to lift lighter weights while reaping the same benefits as lifting heavier ones. To do that, you need some gear that I think is essential for any fit individual—resistance bands. I will definitely be using my resistance bands in the new year and onward. 

In an interview with neuroscientist Dr. Bob Schafer, I looked at How Your Brain Keeps Your Body Fit. During our conversation, we talked about a piece of software called Lumosity. While playing brain games on your phone can't grow your biceps or increase your flexibility directly, indirectly, it can have a large impact on our fitness. As Dr. Schafer said in the interview "habits, focus, and repetition are just scratching the surface of how our brains can play an important role in optimizing our fitness levels."

I will definitely be using my resistance bands in the new year and onward.

Last spring I went undercover at a gym called 9Round and tried my hand at a boxing style workout. While my experience was not stellar, I did get an appreciation for how challenging and fun a boxing style workout can be. This made me seek out other gyms that are cheaper and more conveniently located so I can use their frustration relieving heavy bags and gloves on a semiregular basis.

Responding to some audience questions I wrote about whether or not Amino Acids Build Bigger Muscles. The verdict was that most of us do not need to purchase them if our diet is rich enough in an essential building block—protein. But if you feel that your diet is deficient, amino acids are something you...

Keep reading on Quick and Dirty Tips

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