Rabu, 01 Mei 2019

17 Surprising Second Uses for Toothpaste

Shine Brass

Shining the brass hinges and knobs of your doors is easier than you think! Apply a white, nongel toothpaste (a mild abrasive) to door fittings with a soft cloth, then rub. Use a fresh cloth to wipe clean, and your brass will sparkle! To protect brass between cleanings, apply a light coating of olive or lemon oil.

Whiten Yellow Nails

Suffering from yellow fingernails or toenails? After removing any polish, bring back their natural luster with some whitening toothpaste! Apply the toothpaste to nails and let sit for an hour (a perfect time to catch up with a good book or TV show).

Get Rid of a Pimple

Toothpaste can help get rid of pimples. Apply overnight and watch it dry out!

Polish Your Faucet

Believe it or not, toothpaste makes a great polish for your bathroom and kitchen faucets. Just rub on and buff off with soft cloth. The white, non-gel variety works best.

Get Rid of a Scratch in Crystal

Notice a scratch in your crystal? You can make it disappear in no time with a spot of toothpaste. After you clean your crystal, squeeze a bit of white, non-gel toothpaste onto a dry cloth, then wipe over the scratch. Rinse it off and dry your crystal—the scratch should be gone! Repeat if necessary.

Get Rid of Mice

If you’re suffering from a mouse infestation and can see the mouse holes, smear a bit of mint toothpaste nearby and the smell will deter them. You can also rub toothpaste along the bottom of your baseboards and anywhere else mice may get into your home. Mice hate the smell of mint and will stay away.

Toothpaste for Burns

Who knew toothpaste could sooth burns? If you’ve sustained a minor burn, cover it with white, non-gel toothpaste to ease the pain and help it heal. Simply dab a small amount onto affected areas and leave overnight.

Fix a DVD or CD Scratch

Unless it’s cracked, skipping blu-rays are usually fixable. First, eliminate any dust and dirt by holding the DVD under running water and rubbing with a soft, lint-free cloth to dry. To fix any scratches, rub a little white (nongel) toothpaste into the scratch, then wipe with the damp cloth to remove any excess. The toothpaste won’t repair the blu-ray entirely, but it will keep it from skipping.

Clean Away Scuff Marks

Have a scuff or scratch on your linoleum floor? A simple solution is at your fingertips:...

Keep reading on Quick and Dirty Tips

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