Selasa, 16 April 2019

8 Fun Hacks for a Hoppy Easter Holiday

Easy Easter Egg Dye

Never, ever pay for egg dye! Simply mix a half cup of boiling water with a half teaspoon of white vinegar, and add food coloring until you get a hue you like. For a striped egg even the Easter Bunny would be proud of, wrap tape around the egg before dipping. Once the egg dries, remove the tape, tape over the colored parts, and dip again in a different color. You can also use stickers in the shapes of hearts, stars, and letters.

Easter Egg Accessory

The perfect holder for an Easter egg? The upside-down tops to soda and water bottles! For a little extra flair, glue a piece of Easter ribbon around the outside of them.

No-Break Easter Eggs

Before you hard-boil eggs for decorating this year, prevent cracks by first poking a tiny hole in one end of the egg with a pin or needle (make sure it’s clean!).

Easy Marbled Easter Eggs

These eggs are even cooler-looking than other marbled eggs. Rather than dyeing just the outer shell, our food coloring seeps into the shells’ cracks to create neat spider-web effects. First, hard-boil your eggs as usual. Once they’re cooled, tap each egg on a hard surface to make cracks in the shell—but don’t peel! Using a spoon, drip food coloring all over the eggs, and let them dry. Rinse with water and peel the shells. You’ll have beautiful marbled eggs that are ready to eat!

Easter Egg Hunters

If you’re hosting an egg hunt for kids of various ages, try color-coding the eggs by age group. Yellow eggs might be hidden in easy-to-find places for the younger kids, while green eggs can be stowed in sneakier spots for the big kids.

Beat-the-Sweets Easter Treat

We like to mix up our Easter snacks so the kids aren’t eating only sugary sweets. This snack is a little more healthful than the usual candy, plus it’s super-cute and Easter-colorful. Pour cheesy goldfish crackers into a clear plastic pastry bag and tie the opening closed with green ribbon: You’ve got a carrot! (At least in shape, if not nutritional value.) If you don’t have a pastry bag, you can also use the corner of a sandwich bag and some tape.

Reader’s Tip

Make Easter dinner even more fun for the kids (and big kids, too!) by putting together these adorable table settings that look like carrots...

Keep reading on Quick and Dirty Tips

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