In recent weeks I’ve spoken with countless people in varying states of career uncertainty. Whether they’ve been furloughed or laid off, had to shut down a small business, or remain employed but can’t figure out what “business as usual” should even look like right now, people are wondering what’s next for them professionally.
While none of us would have chosen the current moment and all the challenge and ambiguity it brings, I believe there’s an opportunity in it for us should we choose to harness it. In our LBC—Life Before Coronavirus—many of us were guilty of running on autopilot. A common response to “How are you?” was “I’m so busy!” Of course, that technically doesn’t even answer the question at hand, but it was our predominant experience.
Suddenly there is less to do. Which opens up space for us to breathe, reflect, take stock of the path we’ve been on, and set an intention around how we’ll approach—or reconnect with—our careers.
When there is so much to do, our focus is on doing it. We don't take time to question whether we're passionate or excited about what we're doing.
So now, many of you are in a moment of pause you didn’t see coming. Suddenly there is less to do. Which opens up space for us to breathe, reflect, take stock of the path we’ve been on, and set an intention around how we’ll approach or reconnect with our careers in LAC—Life After Coronavirus.
If you’re not sure where to begin, I’ve got some thoughts to share.
Be the editor of your story
Your career is more than just a series of jobs and deliverables. It’s your professional story to tell. And whether you’re nearest the beginning, middle, or end, this pause represents a wonderful time to assess the plot thus far, deciding how you want to influence the ending.
So consider the story you’d tell a potential hiring manager today about what you’ve done, the impacts and outcomes you’ve delivered, and what you’ve learned along the way. How compelling is your story? What plot points might be missing? If it were a book, what would you hope for or imagine in the next chapter? Would you be rooting for yourself as the main character?
Whether you’re nearest the beginning, middle, or end, this pause represents a wonderful time to assess the plot thus far, deciding how you want to influence the ending.
Maybe, as you review your career highlights to date, you note that you’ve done a lot of backend support and you’re ready for a frontline role like sales, business development, or client management. Maybe you want your...
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