1.) Get Rid of Smells with Stainless Steel
You may have seen expensive pieces of stainless steel at kitchen shops for this purpose, or just heard the tip that tells you to wipe your hands on stainless steel to get rid of garlic or onion smells. But does it work? Our research says no. Instead, rub your hands with lemon juice (or vinegar) and salt.
2.) Separate Eggs with a Water Bottle
This viral video makes separating eggs with a water bottle look easy. But when we tried, the egg went everywhere! Instead, separate an egg the old-fashioned way: by simply pouring the egg from shell to shell until it is divided.
3.) Stem a Strawberry with a Straw
Sticking a straw through a strawberry to remove its stem seems like a clean and easy way to do it, but in reality, the straw is pretty hard to get through the strawberry, and in the amount of time it takes, is it really worth it? Instead, simply cut the stem out by making a v-shape with a paring knife.
4.) Make Pancake Shapes with a Ketchup Bottle
Clean out a ketchup bottle and make amazing pancake animals! If you’ve ever tried to clean out a ketchup bottle, you already know that this lifehack is neither quick nor easy. Instead of trying to imitate pancake-making YouTube stars (yes, there are such things) save yourself the time and frustration and just use a cookie cutter with an open top. Place it on the griddle and pour the batter into the shape, then remove it when it’s time to flip the pancake. It’s that easy!
5.) Amplify the Sound on your Phone with a Homemade Stand
You may have seen the impressive DIY phone stands online made from a toilet paper roll and push pins. A way easier and more effective option? Just place your phone or music player in a bowl, with the speaker pointing down. The sound waves will bounce off the edges of the bowl, amplifying the sound. Use a stainless steel bowl for even louder sound!
6.) Place a Penny in a Vase of Flowers to Make them Last Longer
The advice to place a penny in a vase of flowers to make them last longer is actually true—as long as the penny was manufactured before 1981. If you happen to have an old penny, save it—its copper content will keep bacteria away from your flowers. Otherwise,...
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