Household Solutions
1. Love Your Cast Iron
To clean and season your cast-iron cookware, cover the bottom of your warm pan with fresh beer. Let the liquid sit for 5 to 10 minutes, so the carbonation can go to work. Then rinse away any stuck-on food and enjoy the flavor the beer leaves behind.
2. Shine Copper Pots
Soak copper pots in beer to renew shine and remove stains. Throughout history, breweries have used the last of beer to shine copper vats.
3. Clean Gold Jewelry
A light or medium brew makes a great polish for gold jewelry. Pour onto a soft cloth and rub it in, then buff with another clean cloth. The beer’s acid will dissolve oil and dirt and get your jewelry sparkling again.
4. Remove Rust
Rusty spots on metal lawn furniture or garden tools? Cover the areas with a beer-soaked rag and let sit for about an hour. The beer’s carbonic acid will dissolve the rust. Try this tip to loosen rusty bolts as well.
5. Give Grass a Boost
You can revive dead spots on your lawn by pouring on just enough beer to wet the affected grass. The beer’s acids kill fungus, while its fermented sugars nourish healthy growth.
6. Trap Mice
Slugs aren’t the only pests lured by beer. Set out a bucket, with a ramp leading up to the lip. The mice will smell the beer, hop in to drink, then be unable to climb out.
7. De-Skunk a Dog
The yeast in beer cuts through the skunk spray’s water-resistant oils, then the beer’s carbonic acid dissolves them. Rub one or two cans on the pooch, and rinse with water. Finish with your usual dog shampoo.
8. Put Out a Fire
A can or bottle of beer can work as a fire extinguisher if a real one isn’t available. Simply shake and spritz.
Your Secret Ingredient In The Kitchen
9. Tender and Tasty Meat
Beer is a great tenderizer for tough, inexpensive cuts of beef, and it will add great flavor. All you need to do is poke and soak the meat for an hour before cooking, or marinate it overnight in the refrigerator. Try it with your meat for chili, stew, or stir-fry. Bonus: Studies have found that beer marinades reduce levels of cancer-causing compounds that form on grilled meat when fats and juices interact with an open flame. Go with a darker beer for the most health benefit.
10. Flavorful Chicken ...
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