Last week, a reader named Brad wrote to me and said,
"Recently, I've been seeing lots of "flaunt" in place of "flout" (as in, disobeying rules to shelter-in-place, etc.), so I naturally thought of Grammar Girl. Then I turned to Merriam-Webster, and discovered that one of ‘flaunt’'s connotations is indeed "to treat contemptuously [as in someone] flaunted the rules.'
Apparently, so many folks were using ‘flaunt’ in place of ‘flout’ that...well, you know how it goes. Maybe it’s a good time to revisit the difference?”
Let’s start with the basics: “Flaunt” and “flout” sound a lot alike, but they don’t mean the same thing.
What does ‘flaunt’ mean?
Traditionally, when you flaunt yourself, flaunt your wealth, or flaunt your accomplishments, you’re parading them in front of people—you’re showing off.
What does ‘flout’ mean?
“Flout” means “to disregard, scoff at, mock, or show scorn.” If you’re having a big party when your state or country has a shelter-in-place order, you’re flouting the rules. You’re flouting authority.
Can ‘flaunt’ mean ‘flout’?
As Brad noted, so many people have started using the word “flaunt” to mean “flout” that dictionaries have added “to treat the rules with contempt” as an additional definition of “flaunt.” That’s how words and meanings get in the dictionary. But that doesn’t mean you should use it.
Dictionaries don’t say whether definitions are right or wrong, they just record how people use words. And today, most professional writers and editors would still consider it an error to use “flaunt” to mean “disregard the rules.” I’d definitely change it or mark it if I were editing a article or grading a paper.
Garner’s Modern English Usage uses a phrase that I’ve always liked: “careful writers.” Garner says “careful writers” still avoid using “flaunt” to mean “flout.”
Some sources would say “educated writers,” but I like “careful writers” better. You don’t have to be educated to be careful or to care about using precise words.
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