Cedar Chip Solution
Put some cedar chips into a few pairs of old pantyhose and hang them where you often see spiders. Just like moths, spiders hate the scent and will leave any area where cedar chips hang.
Walnuts to Repel Spiders
This might be an old wives’ tale, but if you’re eating walnuts, it’s worth a shot! Keep your home spider-free by putting out whole walnuts in their shell in corners, on windowsills, or wherever you tend to see the creepy crawlers. Walnut shells contain a chemical toxic to spiders, and they'll stay away.
Use Apples As Spider Repellent
If you live in a part of the country where hedge apples grow, you can use these fruits to repel spiders. Just place a few wherever you tend to see spiders hang out in your home. They’re even more effective than walnuts at keeping spiders away.
DIY Spray to Get Rid of Spiders
Did you know that spiders “taste” food through sensors on the tips of their spidey legs? And one thing they don’t like the taste of is citrus. If you’re looking to keep spiders out of your home, try making this nontoxic repellent. In a spray bottle, mix together 2 cups water with 1½ teaspoons citrus essential oil (such as orange, lemon, or lime). Spray wherever you see spiders or their webs, and the citrus flavor will send them packing.
Keep Spiders Away from Your House
Does your house need a spider-free overhaul? If you’re house is overrun with spiders and you’re determined to get rid of them for good, try these great suggestions from Bob Villa, which include turning off the lights outside around your home at night so that spiders aren’t attracted to the light.
Check out more ways to keep pests out of your yard on our Bug and Pest Natural Remedies board on Pinterest. And don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for our Tip of the Day!
Image by Shutterstock. The suggestions offered here are for informational purposes only. The Authors and Publisher do not accept liability for damages arising from the use, attempted use, misuse or application of any of the suggestions included on this website.
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