I’ve been hearing the phrase “band together” a bit more lately because some people are banding together to do good deeds even if they have to do it virtually or at a distance. And Allie from New Jersey also asked a long time ago whether the correct phrase is “ban together” or “band together” because you can tell if I say it fast, the D at the end of “band” can get lost.
To be clear, the correct phrase is “band together.”
When “band” is a noun, one common meaning is a group of people who have joined together for some purpose. In the 1800s it may have been a band of political compatriots or a band of travelers. Today, you can think of a rock band, the movie “Band of Brothers,” or the Silicon Valley investing group known as the Band of Angels.
Therefore, it's not much of a stretch to remember that when people join together (for example, to form a band, the noun) they are banding together (using “band,” the participle).
This meaning actually comes from an older noun that described the kind of flat band you’d use to tie sticks of wood together or or stop bleeding from a wound—like a bandage.
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word “band” was first used to describe a group of musicians in the mid-1600s.
When did people start 'banding together'?
Before people banded together, it appears they simply “bandied.” The Oxford English dictionary has examples from the late 1500s along these lines. For example, the oldest one reads, “Our enemies…conspire and bandy themselves against us” and the meaning is that they banded together against us.
Both “bandy” and the verb “band” seemed to have originally had a strong sense of being opposed to something.
One of the earliest example I could find describing a group of people as “banding together” in a positive sense was in a book from 1817 in which a group of women were described as “banding together’ to get some sort of subscription to help a religious book get published.
A little earlier than that, from...
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