Rabu, 25 Maret 2020

Parenting and Teaching During the Coronavirus

Here at QDT, a large portion of our audience is parents with kids still living under their roof. A lot of our content is geared toward providing tips and tricks for those families for living healthier, happier, more productive lives, individually and together.

As a parent, you might have recently found yourself at home with your kids with quite a few responsibilities you weren’t “trained” for. How can you help them learn math when you haven’t taken a math class since 11th grade? What was that science experiment from elementary school that you loved so much? How can you manage snack breaks and recess from your own home?

You already know that the Quick and Dirty Tips network’s team of experts provides actionable, tangible tricks and tips to help you live your life better. In light of the current times, our hosts have gathered their top tips to help parents out in this new situation: guiding their children through school in ways they’ve not had to before. We gathered our most relevant math tips, writing and grammar tips, science tips, nutrition tips, parenting tips, and fitness tips to help you make your home into the best school environment possible. 

Consider this your one-stop shop for all advice for the math, science, and grammar lessons you’ve forgotten, the nutrition tips you need to keep your family on track, and the fitness guidance that will keep the whole family active at home. We also added a few parenting tips for keeping everyone busy under one roof!

Math Tips

Keep reading on Quick and Dirty Tips

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