With the holiday madness just about over and the end of another year quickly approaching, this is a good time to catch your breath and reflect on the high (and low) points of your family's year.
Some of the big moments in my family this past year were the high school graduation of our third child, my youngest son’s baseball team winning the New England championships, Mighty Mommy's return to work full time, my eighth-grader's second victory in the school spelling bee, a magical family vacation in Disney World (check out the picture at right!), and a new family member joining our clan—a pet bunny lovingly named Gansett after our hometown of Narragansett.
But of course, no year is complete without some challenges. And in my case, I think my family has gotten into a bit of a rut. We live a pretty structured and routine-based lifestyle (with 8 kids it’s the only way to fly!). But with most of my kids now tweens and teens, some of our day-to-day duties have gotten a little tired.
So my New Year's resolution is to give my family an energy makeover. How? Stick around to learn the 7 ways you too can energize your family life.
See also: Were You a Good Parent This Year?
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Tip #1: Add Color to Your Surroundings
One way to give your family a big burst of energy is to liven up your walls with a fresh splash of color. We recently finished an extensive makeover in our home taking our neutral color palate of cream and pale yellow to an exciting tropical explosion of turquoise, tangerine, and lime green.
Now, every time I walk into our home and see these bold and vibrant colors after a long day at work, I instantly feel peppy and recharged. The vibe in the house is definitely more upbeat because of our bright surroundings.
If you're not read for a full blown Caribbean makeover, you can paint an accent wall in your family room. Choose a rich tone or stick with light gray walls and add pops of color inspiration with bright curtains and artwork. Changing out your accessories and getting playful with some exciting new color is one sure way to get energized this year.
Tip #2: Drink Smoothies
Another easy way to add some oomph to your family’s day is to start them off with a delicious, nutritious fruit and veggie smoothie. I’ve been a huge fan of green smoothies ever since my colleague Get-Fit Guy (aka Ben Greenfield) introduced me to them during the Mighty Mommy Belly Burn Project in the spring of 2013.
As a diabetic and a super busy mom I needed a quick and healthy breakfast to kick-start my day. Nearly two years later, I’m still enjoying smoothies as a regular part of my diet. Smoothies are versatile, fun, and easy to make. Adding these potent and tasty drinks into your family’s menu plan is another great way to get energized this year.
Check out Nutrition Diva's awesome recipe for the perfect smoothie.
Tip #3: Take Power Naps
When my kids were younger and were at the point of transitioning out of naps, I still made sure they had some down time each day—just 15-20 minutes with a book or lying on their bed listening to music to relax and take the edge off their busy little bodies.
Sometimes, even after you've done all you can to stay perky, your body just doesn't respond to your quick energy fixes so on days like these, I like to do what I used to have my kids do when they were giving up naps-- just give in and shut my eyes for a few minutes. When my kids are stressed out from studying for exams or don’t have any real down time between their after-school activities and working or doing homework, I suggest they take a 15-minute power nap to recharge their batteries. Power naps can be a life saver for sleep-deprived parents, students, and anyone else who needs to refuel.
Tip #4: Visit the Farmers’ Market
Going to the farmers’ market is much more than shopping for organic fruits and veggies. Buying from your local farmer allows you to support local agriculture which means that the food you are eating comes from nearby and does not require us to waste lots of energy and petroleum to ship the food halfway around the world.
See also: 10 Tips to Save Money Shopping at Farmers' Markets
It’s also a great experience to share with your kids. They get to enjoy fresh air as they walk outdoors and talk with the different growers, taste an assortment of varieties of produce, and learn about what grows close to home and how it goes from farm to table. It's good for kids to learn early on that food doesn’t start off in cans and boxes.
Tip #5: Keep Moving
If your family has one or more couch potatoes in the mix, there’s nothing like a brand new year to set some quality time aside to get up and get moving. The benefits of exercise are many—it increases energy levels, boosts brain power, helps to reduce stress, aids in losing weight, and keeps your heart and other organs healthy.
We know it’s good for us, but look at all the excuses we make for avoiding it: There's not enough time, I have to drive the carpool, I have to work late, I can't afford a gym membership—the list goes on and on.
Staying active is a surefire way to reenergize your family, so plan on how you can all get moving together. Walk the dog briskly through the neighborhood, go sledding, park the car in the far end of the parking lot instead of close to the store entrance, put more zest into housework and yard work, try indoor rock climbing (super fun!), walk the beach in the winter, shoot basketballs in the driveway.
My colleague, Get-Fit Guy, is the king of all things fitness. He's also a father of twin boys. So it’s no surprise that he has some fun and easy ways to keep your family moving. Check out 4 Ways to Get Your Family Active and Fun Ways to Keep Your Kids Active.
Tip #6: Develop an Attitude of Gratitude
Start the new year off right by regularly practicing an attitude of gratitude. Focusing on all that we have to be grateful for keeps a positive mindset. Get your family talking about their everyday blessings on a regular basis. Suggest every family member keep a gratitude journal.
Many people are now challenging friends and family members to a Facebook gratitude challenge where they list 3 things they are grateful for each day for a month. However you decide to incorporate the gift of being thankful, you might be surprised at how this newfound appreciation injects a large dose of energy into your family’s life.
Tip #7: Spend More Time Together
I’m my happiest and most fulfilled when I’m spending time with my family. With several of my kids now leaving for college, I appreciate more than ever the limited opportunities we have to be together. Whether it’s eating dinner as a family, spending the day at the beach, or even just hanging out at our home watching a movie and eating popcorn, when we hang out, laugh, talk, and yes, even squabble with one another, always fills me with love and happiness.
Probably one of the easiest ways to energize your family is to commit to spending more time together. Whether it's a traditional Sunday dinner, catching up with your teens when they’re doing homework, or playing board games—making family time a priority will help keep you grounded and revitalized.
How do you keep the energy flowing in your family? Share your thoughts in the Comments section at http://ift.tt/1wBcPAN, post your ideas on the Mighty Mommy Facebook page, or email me at mommy@quickanddirtytips.com. Also visit my family-friendly boards at http://ift.tt/1wyJKr5.
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Family running on the beach image courtesy of Shutterstock.
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