I was speaking to Tech Talker, the latest addition to the Quick and Dirty Tips team, and we’ve both noticed how much medical information there is on the web. I find that that more and more of my patients rely on the internet for their health info prior to seeing me in the office. That is just the reality of living in our internet-perusing, Google-searching, mouse-clicking world. Whether it’s to find an old flame on Facebook, or to self-diagnose our ailments, internet searching is now second nature to most of us.
“I had some abdominal pain, so I Googled it last night, and it said I have cancer, Doc!”
“No way am I getting that flu shot – I saw that cheerleader video on YouTube!”
“I’ve had this back pain for two weeks, and this website says I need an MRI. Will you order me one, Doc?”
Healthcare is changing and growing alongside technology. It’s just a sign of the times, and I have come to truly embrace this new challenge. I love the fact that my patients yearn to learn more about their health conditions. The more medical knowledge they obtain, the better equipped they will be to take care of themselves.
Unfortunately, it turns out that many of my patients are perusing rather unreliable websites, and that is my only hesitation with this new internet age. What makes me occasionally shudder is when a patient convinces themselves that they have an incurable disease because of something they read from an unreliable source. Remember: the internet is completely unverified. Anyone can post anything they please, and they may have absolutely zero medical background.
So today, I’d like to share my 5 tips for perusing the internet to find reliable medical information.
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5 Tips for Perusing the Internet
Tip #1: Avoid “.com” Websites
Be wary of any medical websites that end in “.com,” as these tend to come from less reliable and unverified sources. They also often have advertisements and their goal is to make money off of the reader who may intentionally or accidentally click on an ad. Instead, opt for websites that end in “.org” or “.gov” for your health information.
Here’s a list of websites that I recommend to my own patients as a more reliable source of medical information:
Tip #2: Find the Source
Always ask yourself, “Who is writing this article?” Is it written by a physician or an expert in the field? More than likely, it’s not. Many magazines and online medical articles are written by journalists with a “focus” in health – what does this mean, exactly? Is their educational background sufficient enough to be giving medical advice? Doctors complete a minimum of 11 years of schooling to do what they do. Is a 6 month course in “health” sufficient to advise you on your heart condition? I don’t think so.
Tip #3: Be Wary of Headlines
Remember: the ultimate goal of the news, magazines, and many websites is to sell. The more frightening and controversial their writing, the more money they make. So before you buy into anything you read or see, ask yourself if the source is reliable for the type of information you are seeking? For example, Vogue magazine can certainly comment on the latest Prada collection, but is it really a reliable authority on medical topics?
Tip #4: Research the Article’s Sponsors
Is the writer affiliated with an entity who wants to sell you a product? Does the author work for a pharmaceutical company? What are they trying to sell you? The source should be completely unbiased for the information to be considered reliable. Otherwise, be wary…very wary.
Tip #5: What You Are Reading is One-Dimensional
The internet cannot solve complex medical problems that require a background of experience and human reasoning. The computer cannot perform a physical exam, or feel your level of pain, anxiety, or whatever it may be. Medicine is very complex, and not always cut and dry. Typing a list of symptoms into a web-based diagnosis program is not the same as seeing your health professional. Trust your doctor. And if you don’t, find one you do trust.
If you can keep the above tips in mind while perusing the internet, you can make better and more well-informed decisions regarding your health. After all, it’s your health – nothing to take lightly or to mess with. One small incorrect decision can be potentially fatal. Again, this is why doctors go to school for so long – let us be your guide. Feel free to peruse and search, but ask your doctor for their opinion on the matter before you convince yourself of anything.
Please note that all content here is strictly for informational purposes only. This content does not substitute any medical advice, and does not replace any medical judgment or reasoning by your own personal health provider. Please always seek a licensed physician in your area regarding all health related questions and issues.
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Woman searching on Computer image courtesy of Shutterstock
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