I absolutely love talking about Facebook etiquette. It always seems to be a controversial topic—and for good reason. For the life of me I can’t figure out why people put so much stock into their Facebook life.
"Did you see my status today? Why didn’t you see my status? When will you 'Like' my status?"
Yeesh, enough already!
It’s not a race, it’s not a competition, and you shouldn’t be too eager to send a friend request to someone you just met or only talked to for seven seconds in the elevator.
I even wrote an article called "Real" Friends vs. Facebook Friends that discussed how worked up some of us get about adding “friends” to our network.
But adding friends to your list is all a part of the Facebook fun, right? Wrong!
It’s not a race, it’s not a competition, and you shouldn’t be too eager to send a friend request to someone you just met or only talked to for seven seconds in the elevator. So, before you spend hours waiting anxiously in front of your computer to see if Beth—who you have never spoken to but see in the hallway every day—will accept your request, let’s pull back the veil of Facebook friendship.
Here are my top three Quick and Dirty Tips on how quickly you can legitimately friend someone on Facebook.
Tip #1: The new romance
Okay class, by a show of hands, how many of you have stalked someone on Facebook?
Come on now, I don’t see every single hand up…because it should be.
You won’t get an award for having 10,000 friends on Facebook, and you won’t be kicked out for having only 10.
Facebook stalking (in the safe/non-threatening sense) is when you look up a complete stranger, or someone you loosely know, and take a self-guided tour of their page. The photo album entitled "Summer 2013"—don’t mind if I do!
This especially happens when you are about to go on a date with someone or have just...
Keep reading on Quick and Dirty Tips
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