Fall clothing stains
If you pulled your fall clothes out of the back of your closet only to find old stains on them, just use our old standby: hydrogen peroxide and dishwashing liquid. Your sweaters will look like new in no time!
Clean faster
Reuse an old kitchen apron to help speed up your housecleaning. Fill the pockets of the apron with your cleaning supplies, and you’ll be able to walk from room to room with everything you need right in the pockets in front of you. Make sure to bring a plastic bag with you for garbage you find around the house!
Related: Domestic CEO'S 9 Genius Cleaning Hacks to Make Your Life Easier
How to clean your windows
Paper towels are for amateurs! Use newspaper, coffee filters, or even pages from a telephone book to clean your windows and they won’t leave as many streaks. Bonus: No pieces of lint behind!
Another sanity-saving window cleaning tip
Do you feel like you can never get a window completely clean? Here’s an easy tip that will help you to tell which side of the pane those godforsaken streaks are on. Simply wash your windows from top to bottom on the inside, then switch to washing side to side on the outside.
Cleaning blinds
Use kitchen tongs or bread crusts to clean your blinds! No, really, here’s our post on how to easily clean blinds to find out how.
See also: Who Knew's 10 Tips That Will Change How You Clean Your Kitchen
The easy way to clean fireplace ashes
Before cleaning the ashes from your fireplace, sprinkle some damp coffee grounds over them. They’ll weigh the ashes down and keep dust to a minimum.
Clean up sooty bricks with cola
Try an old masonry trick to brighten up soot-stained brick—use cola! Sponge the cola (flat is OK) onto sooty brick and leave for 15 minutes. Loosen the soot by scrubbing with a stiff-bristled brush. Sponge with clean water.
Just for fun: Who Knew's Top Tips for Fall
Orange peels for kindling
The best thing to use as...
Keep reading on Quick and Dirty Tips
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