Stomach pain, bloating, heartburn ... the discomfort of ulcer symptoms is no joke! If you'd like to try some simple home remedies for ulcers, here are seven to help soothe the fires within.
If you're experiencing severe ulcer symptoms such as vomiting, dark bloody or tarry stool, faintness, trouble breating, appetite changes, or unexplained weight loss, it's important to seek help from a medical professional.
Stock up on onions! They might give you gas, but they also prevent the growth of ulcer-causing bacteria that can increase your risk of gastritis (stomach inflammation) and, over time, lead to stomach cancer. Add sliced onion to salads and sandwiches, or toss them into stir-fries, fajitas, and pastas—just avoid frying, which can upset your stomach.
RELATED: What Are Stomach Ulcers?
Everyone’s wild for yogurt these days, and for good reason: Most yogurts contain active cultures, lactobacillus and bifidobacterium, that can help digestion by balancing out bad bacteria with good bacteria. If you’re on antibiotics, these yogurts can be especially helpful: They replenish the good bacteria that your meds have eliminated from your body, preventing diarrhea.
Castor oil compress
Calm a painful ulcer with a castor oil “pack” applied to your abdomen. Castor oil can reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and heal tissues beneath the skin, and a compress is easy and inexpensive to make. Place a towel in castor oil until completely saturated. Squeeze to remove any extra liquid and avoid dripping. Cover the painful area on your abdomen, then top with a dry towel and a hot-water bottle for added pressure. Leave the pack on for up to one hour.
Although it’s not the flashiest vegetable, cabbage offers some amazing ulcer-healing abilities: It helps protect the lining of the stomach and intestines and wards off the bacteria that cause ulcers. Try to eat two cups of raw cabbage every day (coleslaw, anyone?), or consider making a super-potent juice: Four cups of cabbage juice per day has been shown to heal peptic ulcers in less...
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