Every year, settling into a new school year can bring families anxiety, disorganization, and a struggle to adjust to new routines after summer vacation. This year, however, families are facing an extraordinary challenge—learning to navigate many more months of virtual learning.
2020 sure has thrown parenting life into chaos! Not only did many of us have to adjust to working remotely, but we were also tasked with suddenly having to help our kids navigate virtual learning. Now, as the new school year begins, we're gearing up for another stretch of the new norm as our kids return to virtual classrooms.
There's no doubt this year school will be different. But with the right tools in place, it can still be an excellent experience for everyone. Here are five smart ways you can make your child's virtual learning a success.
1. Plan as though you're leaving the house
Some people joke that "plan" is a four-letter word. But when it's used to make your family's daily experience more manageable, I think the ability to plan is one of the most important skills we can have in our parenting toolbox, particularly when life is unusually challenging.
Keeping your family organized, productive, and on-task while they're engaged in virtual learning can be easier than you think if you plan your schedules as though you're still leaving your home each day to learn and work.
Whether your child is participating in a hybrid or fully virtual learning model, get ready for school the night before.
Start with your evening routine and move forward from there. Whether your child is participating in a hybrid or fully virtual learning model, get ready for school the night before. Follow familiar routines by having them shower and prepare for a healthy night's sleep. Selecting an outfit to wear, having breakfast items ready to go for morning and reviewing the next day's class itinerary will prepare your family to start the next day calmly and with at least some sense of normalcy in these unusual times.
Your child may be on a hybrid learning schedule, others a full distance learning model. Regardless, get everything ready the night before. Have them shower and prepare for a...
Keep reading on Quick and Dirty Tips
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