Remove Rust from a Knife
Believe or not, the enzymes in onions will remove rust from metal objects! If you have a rusty kitchen knife, just plunge it into the biggest onion you can find, let it sit for a few seconds, then pull it out. Repeat this process until the rust has dissolved, then wash as usual and dry.
DIY Stain Remover
Who knew that onions can remove stains? Two types of stains we have had success removing with onion juice are ink and scorch marks from an iron. If you have a particularly fresh and juicy onion, you can simply cut it in half and rub the cut end on the stain. Otherwise, grate it into a bowl using a cheese grater, then rub the stain with the grated onion, blotting it with as much of the onion juice as you can. Let the clothes sit for 8–10 minutes, and if necessary, re-apply the onion juice. Once the ink stain or scorch mark is gone, launder as usual. (If you’re battling a stain that’s not made from ink or a scorch, see our Stain Removal Guide.)
Ease the Pain of a Bee Sting
If you’ve been stung by a bee, onions can help. After removing the stinger and washing the area, apply the cut side of an onion half on the area. It should help ease the pain.
Revitalize Thinning Hair
One of the most incredible attributes of onions is that they’re loaded with sulfur, which can boost blood flow to your hair follicles when applied to the skin. To create a scalp treatment, you’ll first need to extract the juice: Peel an onion, then cut it into two to four chunks. Process in a blender or grate by hand, and strain out the juice. (Or simply use a juicer and clean it thoroughly afterward!) Massage the onion juice into your scalp and leave for 10–15 minutes…if the stink is overpowering, cover your head with a shower cap. Rinse with warm water and then shampoo and condition as usual.
Make Age Spots on Skin Disappear
This DIY beauty treatment is a little stinky, but it sure helps with age spots and other blemishes. Grate half on an onion, then squeeze out the juice in a small bowl. Mix in 2 teaspoons of white vinegar and 1 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. Dab a little onto unwanted spots each morning and evening and they’ll begin to fade within weeks!
Get Rid of Corns
Another great way that onions can help your skin is by eliminating corns. Make an onion compress by soaking a slice of onion in apple cider vinegar for a few hours. Remove it and place the onion over the corn, covering with a bandage. Put on cotton socks to protect the area and leave overnight...
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