Grammar Girl: What’s your favorite word and why?
K Arsenault Rivera: "Languid!" "Languor," if I’m being pedantic. One of the most influential books on a young K was LeFanu’s "Carmilla," in which the words "languid" and "languor" occur quite a bit. It’s one of those lovely words that sounds like what it is—just a lazy roll of the tongue. For a while there I was considering getting it tattooed!
GG: What’s a word you dislike (either because it’s overused or misused) and why?
KAR: I hate the word "lover." Part of that comes from the phrase "lesbian lover" being so popular, and that’s always fallen harshly on my ears—why not say partner, or girlfriend, or wife? There are so many gayer, better words.
And it sounds awful.
GG: What word will you always misspell?
KAR: The day that I spell "separate" correctly on the first try will be the day my English teachers and editor hang up their red pens.
GG: What word (or semblance of a word) would you like to see added to the dictionary? Why?
KAR: This is a bit of an interesting question, isn’t it? There are so many words in other languages that we don’t have in English. I’d love for there to be more words about love: more words for the inevitable, agonizing anticipation of sharing your feelings with someone, or the quiet warmth that comes several years later when your lives are comfortably joined.
GG: Any grammar pet peeves we should know about?
KAR: I know they’re both technically correct, but it’s all right, not alright. It looks better that way!
GG: To what extent does grammar play a role in character development and voice?
KAR: Grammar’s super important! With "Tiger" and "Phoenix," I have a character who’s very taciturn. Shefali only speaks in four word sentences, except when speaking to her wife or her cousin. Being able to concisely convey her thoughts and emotions is important—and maintaining her voice even more so. I end up spending a lot of time on her dialogue just to get that perfect blend of stern and big ol’ doofus!
GG: Do you have a favorite quote or passage from an author you’d like to share?
KAR: I’m gonna be really basic and go with the last paragraph of Joyce’s “...
Keep reading on Quick and Dirty Tips
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