Jumat, 10 Agustus 2018

Is It Safe to Exercise Near Recent Wildfires?

Listener Lindsey wrote to me on Facebook and asked:

"With all these wildfires in the Western U.S., how do we know when the air quality is too bad to exercise in? And is indoor air really all that much better?"

That is a great question and very timely, given that a surprisingly large amount of the USA (and Canada) is currently on fire. 2016 and 2017 also saw high rates of wildfires. So what do you need to know before you head out (or not) to exercise in the smoke?

What Is In the Air?

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says that smoke from the wildfires is "primarily composed of fine particle pollution from burning trees and other plants." These particles can have a significant impact on local air quality, visibility, and in the end, human health.  Forest fire emissions include:

  • Particulate matter
  • Carbon monoxide
  • Atmospheric mercury
  • Ozone-forming chemicals
  • Volatile organic compounds

The emissions from the forest fires can travel surprisingly large distances and can also produce harmful effects quite far away from the fire location. So, just because you don't live near one of the fires doesn't mean that your air quality won't be affected. 

Note: If you have a health condition like asthma, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), or heart disease, be extra cautious. Also, pregnant women, young children, and seniors are at increased risk.

Should You Go Outside?

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency provides hourly calculations of the Air Quality Index, which gives close to a real-time indication of the levels of particulate in the air. This can be a great source of information for determining whether or not you want to resume outdoor activities.

The best rule of thumb is if you’re experiencing any irritation, such as a cough, or stinging eyes, it is likely best to keep your workouts indoors.

The best rule of thumb is if you’re experiencing any irritation, such as a cough, or stinging eyes, it is likely best to keep your workouts indoors (in filtered air buildings) until the smoke clears.

But also keep in mind that everybody responds differently to smoke. Some people aren't bothered by it at all and some are completely unable to handle it. So use your local Air Quality and Health Index (AQHI) to find out how dense it is in your area and then measure your own response. In a way, you can be your own science experiment. 

My takeaway is that you can still do outdoor activities, just be aware of how your own body is responding and keep your breathing rate in mind. If your breathing becomes difficult or more uncomfortable than it should be, stop or reduce activity. Keep in mind that when we exercise, we can breathe in 10-20x more air than when we are being sedentary, and this means that you are breathing in a lot more particulate pollution.

Is Indoor Air Better?

Indoor air can be much cleaner than outdoor air, but that depends on the building and its air filtration system, which varies from building to building. 

When your area is advised to stay indoors, it is best to follow directions and keep your windows and doors closed. If you have an air conditioner you can keep it running, but make sure the air filter is clean, and, according to the CDC, make sure it is close to a fresh-air intake to prevent too much smoke from entering.

If you have a dedicated air filtration system (portable or built-in) make sure that it is clean, running, and close by the area of the building where you plan to do your workout.

Can Exercise Protect You Against Pollution?

Wildfires season is thankfully relatively short, so reducing your workout load or shifting the majority of your training to an indoor setting isn't that big a deal. If you really want to train outside, keep your intensity low to moderate. You could also consider taking a few rest days and instead volunteer to help provide support for the fire victims in any way that you can. In the end, missing a bit of your training is not going to zap your fitness. In fact, it could be exactly what the coach ordered

A study found that long-term aerobic exercise presents protective effects, possibly by the body creating natural antioxidants that fight against the damage caused by pollution.

It should be noted that a study published in the Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, called “Anti-inflammatory effects of aerobic exercise in mice exposed to air pollution,” looked at both exercise and non-exercise in polluted environments. It turns out that when mice were exposed to diesel exhaust fumes in the absence of an exercise program, they saw a dramatic spike in lung inflammation and free radical damage to their cells. But in a group of mice that exercised while being exposed to the same level of pollution, they seemed to undergo changes over the 5 weeks that almost completely protected them from the pollution. The researchers concluded that long-term aerobic exercise presents protective effects, possibly by the body creating natural antioxidants that fight against the damage caused by pollution.

Another study at the University of British Columbia’s Environmental Physiology Lab investigated human subjects for seven weeks. While cycling at a variety of intensities, one group was exposed to air with exhaust from a diesel engine, while another group breathed clean, filtered air. Researchers found that exercise appeared to overpower the effect of the pollution in a similar manner that was noted previously in the mice.

Long-Term Effects?

Unless you have a health condition, are a child or a senior, or are one of the brave souls who are right in the fray battling the fires, there is a low risk of long-term effects of breathing wildfire smoke. So listen to your local authorities and your own body, and with any luck rain will come, the wind will change directions, and we'll put wildfire season behind us for another year.

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