Today's kids are so involved with academic pressures, music and art clubs, AAU teams, competing to place on a school sports team, never mind figuring out how to juggle a part-time job, friends, and land in a decent college. Whew! It's more than a full plate.
Though we may want to coddle our overscheduled kids, we aren't doing them any favors by giving them a free pass when it comes to helping out with standard family chores.
If you're on the fence about enlisting your children's help with chores around the house, take comfort in knowing that duties are not only necessary, but they will have a positive impact throughout their life.
Consider this info from an article called The Benefits of Chores from the Center for Parenting Education.
Research indicates that those children who do have a set of chores have higher self-esteem, are more responsible, and are better able to deal with frustration and delay gratification, all of which contribute to greater success in school.
Chores are a regular part of family life. They're necessary for the upkeep of our homes, but more importantly, they teach responsibility.
Many parents are frustrated when their kids don't stay on task with assigned chores. If you've struggled with getting your kids to help do chores around the house, you're in luck. I have some great ways to make your life easier and more organized all while getting your kids to pitch in and do their share.
We're all in this together—chores teach teamwork
I'll never forget the defining moment I decided my children needed to contribute to the upkeep of our home. At the time, I only (only!) had six kids. Baby number seven was on the way, and I sat surrounded by bucketloads of unfolded laundry, wall-to-wall toys scattered everywhere, and a tower of dishes with dried food caked on. Never mind the dust bunnies that were multiplying by the dozens under every nook and cranny in our main living space.
Enough was enough. Hiring a maid was not in our budget, so I decided my small army of kids were going to need to step up and do their share. It wasn't perfect, but within a week my little gang was in charge of picking up their toys and helping put laundry away. And I soon discovered they loved mopping up those hibernating dust bunnies.
Teamwork is the foundation of strong leadership. Teams work towards a common goal.
Teamwork has countless benefits for any child. It teaches a child to cooperate all while he learns to value another's point of view. It's the foundation of strong leadership. Teams work towards a...
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