Power Your Shower Spray—Naturally
Stay on top of mold and mildew by keeping this daily shower spray within easy reach of all family members. Mix 1 part vinegar with 10 parts water in an empty spray bottle and you’re ready to go. Bonus: You don’t have to worry about a toxic cleaner hitting the baby’s bath toys.
Clogged Showerhead? A Solution Is in the Bag
It’s easy to remove mineral deposits from a showerhead without using harsh chemicals. Just unscrew it and submerge it in white vinegar overnight, and the clogs will disappear. If you can’t unscrew it, fill a small, sturdy bag with vinegar and attach it to the showerhead with duct tape, or use an old toothbrush and vinegar. To clean the screen in your showerhead, wash it with water mixed with a dash of dishwashing liquid.
Get Rid of Mildew
Looking for an easy mildew remover? Simply scrub the affected area with an old, damp toothbrush sprinkled with baking soda. This natural cleaner works great for shower curtains—if small spots of mildew appear, dab with baking soda on a damp cloth.
Fight Shower Scum
To attack that stubborn scum in the shower, slice one lemon in half and dip it in a bowl of kosher salt, which adds an abrasive scrub to the already-powerful juices. Scrub the glass shower door and leave for a few minutes while the lemon gets to work. Rinse off with water, and say goodbye to scum!
Shower Curtain Saver
If mildew has made your shower curtain more disgusting than you’d like to admit, first wash it in hot, soapy water. Then rub a wedge of lemon on the stains and leave the curtain out in the sun. By the time it dries, the stains will be gone.
Related: How to Get a Shower Curtain to Stop Sticking
Another Use for Vodka
For a free mold and mildew fighter, try vodka! It works especially well on the caulking around your tub. Just spray on, leave for 10 minutes, and wipe clean.
Ceramic Shine
To keep ceramic tile sparkling, wipe it regularly with a sponge damped with water and a splash of vinegar. Or use rubbing alcohol—just pour it straight on, and mop or wipe until it dries. Avoid soapy or oily cleaners, and never use abrasives, which will dull the finish and make glazed tiles more prone to dirt.
Simply Clean Tiles
For an easy, natural tile cleaner, mix together ¼ cup baking soda and 1 gallon warm water. Scrub with a sponge or mop, then rinse. For tough stains, wait 10 to 15 before rinsing.
Spick-and-Span Shower Doors
Need to clean those dirty glass shower doors? You can wipe them...
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