Keep mold out of your space with these easy hacks.
Bathroom Tips
Guard Against Mold and Mildew
Have a stash of broken white candles that you’ve been wondering what to do with? It may not be the romantic image you had in mind when you bought the candles, but rubbing the wax onto your bathroom grout will help protect it from growing mold, mildew, and other stains.
Get Glistening Again
If your bathtub grout is looking more gloomy-gray than like-new bright white, mildew and mold are the likely disgusting (and dangerous) culprits. To fight these bathroom foes, try this ultra-potent cleaning trick. Pour hydrogen peroxide into a spray bottle. Dry the tub area completely, then spray with the peroxide and let it get to work. Wait a bit, then hit the grimy grout with an old toothbrush. This will take a little elbow grease and maybe a few attempts, but your tub will be back to prime form in no time!
Related: How to Keep Your Bathroom Clean Without Cleaning
Bring in the Charcoal
Hide a charcoal briquette somewhere in your bathroom to absorb foul odors. Charcoal absorbs moisture, which will also help stop mold and mildew buildup in the bathroom. Be sure to use briquettes that haven’t been soaked in lighter fluid, and enjoy your newly odor-free bathroom!
Mold Outside
A Mildew-Free Deck
If your deck is covered with mildew, try spraying the wood with straight vinegar. Leave it for an hour or so, then rinse off. The acid in the vinegar kills mold and mildew, and will help get your deck clean.
Another option is to use hydrogen peroxide: Spray on, let sit for 30 minutes, then rinse.
Gleaming Garden Furniture
Vinegar works on your patio furniture to keep it looking fresh and new. Spray it on and let it sit for a few hours before wiping down with a damp cloth. The vinegar spray will also get rid of any mold or bacteria that’s already taken up residence.
Kitchen Mold
Mold-Free Melons
To keep melons from getting moldy as they ripen, rub the exterior rind with a teaspoon of full-strength vinegar every few days.
See also: Mold and Your Health
Shake Up Your Pineapple
Did you know that the natural sugars in pineapple have a tendency to settle on the bottom of the fruit? If you don’t dig into that pineapple soon enough, you may find mold form on the bottom. For longer storage, slice off the leaves and turn the fruit upside down on the counter. Flip which side...
Keep reading on Quick and Dirty Tips
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