Minggu, 09 Februari 2020

How to Raise a Respectful Child by Being a Respectful Parent

Respect is one of the most important traits parents can instill in their children. Simple manners and the ability to show respect are necessary for building healthy relationships as well as cultivating strong self-esteem. Unfortunately, because we live in a multimedia world where a culture of disrespect often dominates, fostering respect in our children can be a challenge.

Is your child disrespectful? Don’t let that bad attitude get you down! These suggestions will help you create a home environment where respect is the rule, not the exception.

Teach respect at home

My strongest parenting belief is that our family’s home provides the foundation for the valuable skills, traits, and lessons we want to teach our kids.

Children, even young toddlers, observe and imitate everything we do. I like to think of home as our child’s first classroom. So, let's take a cue from formal education, where teachers prepare and plan lessons and set academic goals for their students. What do you want your precious kids to learn? Most parents strive to teach their kids how to be caring, honest, reliable, and respectful human beings who will make a positive difference in the world.

A safe, nurturing home environment allows kids to make mistakes (usually plenty!) without the fear of feeling like a failure.

When you create a loving home base for your family, they automatically receive a lifelong gift—a secure sanctuary that protects them and allows them to grow, learn, love, blossom, and gain a healthy sense of self. This safe, nurturing environment also allows them to make mistakes (usually plenty!) without the fear of feeling like a failure. Instead, they can learn from their choices and continue to flourish and grow.

When our kids are surrounded by a consistent dose of love and teachable moments in a nurturing environment, they easily develop a solid understanding of self-respect and respect for others.

Help your child cultivate an awesome sense of self-respect

Respect for others starts with how we feel about ourselves. People who radiate a high self-esteem are strong, healthy, positive beings who embrace life with incredible vim and vigor. Opposite those who have a confident sense-of-self are negative types who regularly project doom and gloom. (We all know our share of Eeyores!)

An easy and important way to teach your child about self-respect is to encourage her to take care of herself. Staying healthy increases our flow of energy, allows us to stay in a more optimistic state-of-mind, and ultimately allows us to see the world and other people in a...

Keep reading on Quick and Dirty Tips

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