Senin, 10 Juli 2017

10 Fun Facts About the New Get-Fit Guy

For the pertinent information you can take a look at my official Quick and Dirty Tips bio but for the nitty gritty, we thought it might be fun and perhaps even helpful to give you a list of fun facts that you won’t find in any official biography, website, or Wikipedia page. These are the types of facts you might hear at a family gathering, during a candid coffee chat, or maybe even over an adult beverage (or two).

10 Fun Facts About QDT's New Get-Fit Guy

  1. I grew up in the Canadian city of Edmonton which is on the same northern latitude as Minsk, Belarus, where I briefly attended Ballet School.
  2. I played the accordion, banjo, and flute in the Celtic Rock band, Captain Tractor, for much of the 1990s.
  3. My interest in running marathons was prompted by an offhanded comment a cardiologist made while treating me for a heart infection (myocarditis).
  4. I have participated in over 75 triathlons, marathons and a variety of other races.
  5. I graduated college with a certificate in Theatre Arts.
  6. I am ambidextrous.
  7. I prefer Apple but I have been known to use Windows.
  8. I would eat sushi for every meal if given the chance.
  9. I love napping.
  10. My life’s goal is to live in a place where I never have to wear long pants.

There you go! I hope that helped you get to know me better or at least gave you a giggle (or two). 

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