Graduating high school is an incredible milestone for kids and their parents. The 18 years of preparation are coming to fruition and they're ready to take on the next phase of adult life. (Or so we hope!) Mighty Mommy has been here six times and as her seventh child graduates high school this week, here are eight tips to guide your almost-adult across the finish line:
Tip #1: Time management is a lifelong win
I was born a natural master of scheduling and organizing. Whether it was arranging my stuffed animals neatly, keeping on task with my studies, or managing my hectic lifestyle with eight kids, I thrive on keeping a running "to-do list."
Learning to manage your time is one of the most critical skills for leading a productive life. But it's also one of the most difficult to learn. I assumed that my kids would follow suit with my organizational skillset, but I quickly learned that most of them had no concept of managing their time.
We practiced this skill a lot in our household. We made lists, figured out how much time every task needed, and worked backwards to understand when something needed to start in order to finish on time. It takes practice, but once they hone in on the concept of being in control of their time, they will master the rest of their goals much more quickly.
Check out the episode Time Management Tips for College Students to prepare your high school grad for adult life.
Tip #2: Understanding personal finances is critical
When I was in high school (many moons ago), the emphasis was on algebra, calculus, and geometry. I don't recall one class that focused on personal finance. That has changed a bit now, but if there is one critical skill I'd wish for every high school graduate to take seriously, it's getting a handle on personal finance.
Learning to manage your money means understanding how to keep track of your income and expenses. This includes managing a debit and credit card, setting a budget, saving money, and investing.
Quick and Dirty Tips' financial expert, Laura Adams, has lots of practical advice for all stages of life. Her popular...
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