In my line of work, each day looks totally different. Some days may be all meetings, others all research, and other days are spent with clients. And then there’s the pile of everything else it takes to keep a business running.
The guts of my days don’t offer much consistency. So I create my own with a handful of non-negotiable daily practices. For me it’s Bulletproof coffee, my Bullet Journal, a workout, and my daily walk. Whatever else may be screaming for my attention, these are my untouchables.
You may grimace at the thought of butter in your coffee (that one took me a minute to get used to), or you may prefer one of a million different planners out there. But if you’re looking to add something to your day that will inch you further into your zone of success, you may want to consider a daily walking practice.
Here are six ways I use my daily walk to keep me winning:
Why Walking Works #1: It offers a mental break
Whether preparing to deliver a tough client message, researching a complex challenge, or just juggling too many things at once, my instinct is always to push through. In this sense, my instinct is typically wrong.
I’ve learned that when the dial gets turned up to 11 for me, the mental break of a walk – a few minutes to clear my head and refuel my tank is just the thing I need to make the creative break. I always come back to my desk more ready than I was before to get the hard thing done.
Why Walking Works #2: It improves stamina
Doing what I do – supporting clients, running my business, staying connected to my kids – takes boatloads of energy. I can’t do it with an empty tank. So that daily walk is not only an opportunity for mental recharge, but it’s part of what keeps my body strong, my stamina up.
Ironically, I’ve learned, that running a 90-minute meeting on Zoom can be more energy-depleting than running an eight-hour in-person session. It’s a different energy drain. But I need to keep mine high, and the walks really help. I return to my desk feeling stronger, tougher, and like I’m in control of my day rather than a slave to it.
Why Walking Works #3: It offers rehearsal space
I use my walking time to rehearse anything giving me pause or anxiety. I pop in my headphones (so I look like I’m on the phone!) and I use my walking time to practice difficult conversations, upcoming presentations, or an anticipated coaching moment that may be hard to deliver.
Can I rehearse these things at my desk? Sure. But I find the combination of working my mind while I’m moving my body leaves me freer to experiment with the approach I ultimately take.
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