I started my business in 2015, knowing I’d need to channel confidence and optimism on the regular. Each time I attempted to do so, I seemed to summon self-doubt and presumptions of failure instead. I guess manifesting hope is not one of my natural talents.
If you’d asked me then what I needed I would have listed knowledge, templates for success, a dozen clients on a silver platter—you get the idea.
Coaching can move you forward, helping you jump over hurdles and achieve big things.
In hindsight, while those would have been awesome, what I needed most was some coaching. Not having access to a coach at that time, I went down the rabbit hole of books and podcasts on personal and professional development. I ended up—in a messy, ugly sort of way—accidentally coaching myself to the place I’m in now.
I wish I’d been more intentional about it, but at the time, I didn’t realize I’d become my own coach. I'm here to help you get into the self-coaching groove without the mess.
Why should you become your own coach?
Coaching can move you forward, helping you jump over hurdles and achieve big things.
But a coach may not be accessible to everyone. It certainly wasn’t to me. Coaching takes time. A good coach also costs money. Both can be hard to come by.
So, if you’re wishing for some coaching but don’t have access right now, let’s talk about how you can show up for yourself by using some tricks of the coaching trade.
1. State a goal
A great coach can help you achieve outcomes in many domains of your life. But early focus is key to success.
In my business, I wanted it all on day one—press, clients, revenue, a quick understanding of marketing ... all those essential things.
But I took myself through an exercise. By answering some questions, I was able to identify and focus on what I needed most urgently.
And through this exercise, I cut out the noise and determined that my nearest-term goal was to land my first client within 60 days. Boom. No press or marketing, no business development engine, just client number one.
This clarity helped me direct all of my energy and focus toward this one outcome. I knew achieving it would help fuel my path to the next goal.
Now your turn. Are you looking for a promotion? Let’s get more specific than that. Your coach would start with some questions like
- What’s the right timeline? Is it ASAP? 6-12 months? When will you feel ready?
- Is it a specific role, or are you just looking to get to the next level?
- Will the new role necessarily be in your current company?
- Will you lead a team?
Keep reading on Quick and Dirty Tips
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