With the pandemic, more and more people have difficulty making ends meet, but that does not mean you have to sit there and struggle. While not everyone can just go out and get a better job, there are plenty of ways that you can still supplement your income with a part-time weekend job.
Weekend jobs are an excellent way to make a little more (or a lot more) money depending on what you can do and how much time you have available. To help you figure out which job opportunities are right for you, which ones are available, and how to find the perfect weekend job, we breakdown this often overlooked form of employment.
What is a weekend job?
While the name might seem kind of obvious, not everyone has the usual schedule of working Monday through Friday with weekends off. Your weekend could be Tuesday and Wednesday, which actually may offer more options for a great part-time job. While most people may think of a weekend job as one done on Saturday and Sunday, it generally refers to a particular type of part-time employment.
Keep in mind that while a weekend job is often a part-time job, a part-time job is not always a weekend job – much in the same way that a square is always a rectangle, but a rectangle is not always a square. A part-time job is any job where you are classified as an employee or contractor and work less than 30-hours a week (for most fields).
While most people may think of a weekend job as one done on Saturday and Sunday, it generally refers to a particular type of part-time employment.
However, a weekend job tends to require less than 30 hours a week and may actually be used to supplement one or more other part-time jobs. In this way, a weekend job is probably better understood as a job where you work less than 24 hours a week, generally for three days or less.
That said, there is no legal definition of “weekend work” the same way there is for part-time and full-time jobs, so the answer will differ depending on who you ask. Still, if you work four to five shifts a week for four or more days, you are likely not working in what most people would consider a “weekend job.”
Types of weekend job schedules
Generally, weekend jobs come in two primary forms: traditional jobs and part-time gigs you work in the morning, evening, or any other time you have spare time. A traditional job is when you are a full-time employee and are accountable to the employer while working.
A gig rarely labels the people who work for them as employees and tends to label them as independent contractors.
On the other hand, a gig rarely labels the people who work for them as employees and tends to label them as...
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