In March of 2020, according to a Slack report on remote work during Covid, approximately 16 million U.S. knowledge workers began working from home. And likely that number is even higher today.
In the early days of the pandemic, every extrovert I knew, myself included, went into panic mode. How, we wondered, would we keep our energy tanks full without the ability to refuel by interacting with humanity?
And at that same time, I watched many introverts celebrate the opportunity to work at home, laps piled high with blankets and dogs.
These observations are, of course, grand generalizations. But they do illustrate the experiences I watched people have.
Fast forward several months and introverts in my network are sharing that they’re feeling the strain right now. CNN reports that introverts make up 30-50% of the population. That’s a lot of people struggling! So if you identify as an introvert, let’s talk about some things you can do to maximize your experience of working from home for as long as it persists.
The world may be telling you we’re living in an introvert’s paradise, but I’m giving you permission to feel otherwise.
1. Recognize the challenge you may be having
Success can’t begin with a belief that you’ve already failed. So if you’re an introvert who’s struggling, start by recognizing that it’s OK to not be OK. Maybe you’re not living your best life right now, but that’s nothing to apologize for. Many of the things you might do to forge stimulating, introvert-friendly connections just aren't available in the time of covid.
Susan Cain, author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, told Yahoo!:
While it's certainly true that… it's easier for introverts to stay home than it is for extroverts... each…has a sweet spot located with a very different amount of stimulation.
For Cain, an introvert herself, a favorite way to work is “alone together”—being in a situation where you can “feel the energy of other people around you but also have the freedom to go inside your own head.” An example of this would be working in a coffee shop surrounded by strangers, but this "alone together" dynamic is hard to replicate right now.
Keep reading on Quick and Dirty Tips
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