Disclaimer: Always check with your vet to make sure these tips are smart for your pet.
1. A red-hot repellent
If your dog finds your shoes more appealing than any of his chew toys, there’s a simple way to break the attraction. Mix together a little cayenne pepper and petroleum jelly, then swipe a little on the shoes. The hot pepper will deter him, but it won’t cause any health problems.
2. Distraction tips
Distraction is sometimes the best medicine when it comes to behavior modification for pets. Head off trouble by shaking coins in a metal can when you see your furry friend about to jump headlong into a spot where he shouldn’t be or a dinner plate that isn’t for him.
3. Spray away trouble
Unfortunately, cats rarely respond when you tell them “no.” So to make sure they have a reason to not repeat bad behavior, spray them with water from a spray bottle when you catch them being bad. If this doesn’t work, try spraying them with air from a compressed air can (usually used to clean electronics and computer keyboards).
SEE ALSO: Quick and Dirty Tips Resident Pet Expert, The Dog Trainer
4. Keep cats off furniture
Specific piece of furniture you don’t want your cat on, or place you don’t want him to go? Try this: In a spray bottle, mix together ½ cup water with 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon, and shake to combine. Cats detest the smell of cinnamon, so if you spray this solution where you don’t want him to go, he should stay away.
5. Foil your furniture
Especially when you’re not around, you can cover any area you want off-limits to cats with double-sided tape or aluminum foil. They can’t stand the feeling of the stuff under their paws.
6. Stop the scratching
Here’s something you probably didn’t know: Cats hate hot sauce. So if you can’t get your cat to stop clawing at your woodwork, just rub in a little hot sauce, buff it thoroughly, and your cat will stay clear.
You can also swipe a bit of VapoRub on scratching targets. Cats can’t stand the cough medicine’s mentholated smell.
7. Chewing solution
If your cat likes chewing on electrical cords, we know you need a solution, and fast! Here it is: Unplug the electronics, then rub the cords with a wedge of...
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