Senin, 23 November 2020

15 Little Everyday Ways to Show Your Family Love

You don't need a special holiday to show your family love. Sure, it's great to fuss on special occasions by going all out with confectionary delights, greeting cards, parties, and the like ... but love is for the ordinary times, too. Here are fifteen simple ways to show your family love all year 'round!

  1. Admit when you are wrong. It’s important for family members, especially your kids, to know you're OK with owning your mistakes. Not only that, showing them that it's important to acknowledge when you mess up, and then make an effort to make things right, is a great way to model integrity!  
  2. Smile at your kids when they walk into the room. Showing love to your family means letting them know you're happy to see them.  
  3. Catch your child (and partner) doing something good and praise them in public for it. Nothing makes a person's day by being recognized and praised!  
  4. Share as many family meals together as possible throughout the week. Maybe it can’t always be dinner, but kicking off the day together by enjoying breakfast as a family is equally as important.  
  5. Don’t compare your child to others. Every child is an individual and needs to know that you support them for who they are, not for who they are not.  
  6. Tell your family members you love them every day. You may think it's understood that you love your family, but there's nothing like having that validation.  
  7. Give your kids and family members a hug every day. Aside from just feeling good, research shows hugs can actually provide stress relief and keep us from getting sick!  
  8. Be as involved as your schedule permits. Show your kids you care by getting involved with the things that affect their life and education like going to PTO meetings, attending parent-teacher...
Keep reading on Quick and Dirty Tips

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