Prevent Blisters When Hiking
If your hiking boots are rubbing you the wrong way, rub some bar soap or deodorant on the red spot before a blister forms. It will protect the area and reduce the friction that causes a blister.
Super-Powered Fire Starters
Don't let rain ruin your camping trip! To keep a campfire burning, make these fire starters at home before the trip. Melt paraffin wax (available from the supermarket) in a coffee can inside a pot of water on the stove. Remove the can and begin to mix in sawdust until you have about 3 parts sawdust to 2 parts paraffin. Pour into paper cups and let cool. Then all you need to do is pop them out of the cups and store them in a Ziploc bag. Another great recipe is to smear petroleum jelly on some cotton balls and keep them in a Ziploc bag. Use them as bits of kindling to get your fire roaring.
Keep a Fire Going with Sugar
This was originally a tip for what to do if you run out of lighter fluid at a barbecue, but you can also use sugar to keep a fire going if you’re camping!
Obligatory Duct Tape Tip
Always, always pack duct tape when you’re going camping. It’s a must-have to repair rips or holes in tents and air mattresses and can be used to string up food out of bears’ reach. You can even use it while you’re hiking. Tape your pant legs to your boots with duct tape to avoid bites from ticks, flies, and mosquitoes.
Keep Away Wetness
Whether you’re on a big camping trip or your kids are just sleeping in the backyard for fun, place a long sheet of aluminum foil underneath each sleeping bag to keep moisture from sinking into the fabric.
Toasty Toes
This trick is an old family favorite. Wrap rocks in foil and place them in your campfire. When it’s time for bed, take them out and let cool until comfortably warm, then place them at the bottom of your sleeping bag for toasty toes.
Stuck Marshmallows?
It’s time for s’mores, but when you take the marshmallows out of the cupboard, they’re all stuck together. Separate them by adding a bit of cornstarch, flour, baking soda, sugar, or salt to the bag, then shaking vigorously. It will absorb the moisture that’s acting like glue, and they will break apart.
An Easy Way to Identify Your Campsite
Here’s a hack the kids will love that will also help you from getting lost: When going camping, mark your campsite by tying brightly colored helium balloons to a few trees nearby. Your tents will be easy to find even from far away.
Keep Mosquitoes Away
One thing that can ruin a camping trip, quick?...
Keep reading on Quick and Dirty Tips
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