Senin, 04 Februari 2019

Quick and Dirty Tips Top Podcasts of 2018

You did a lot of listening in 2018! From forming healthy eating habits to overcoming insecurity and learning how to better manage your money, our top downloaded episodes of the past year can help you make the most of this next one. 


Grammar Girl

Grammar Girl covers an age-old topic when it comes to proper grammar usage—when to use "lay" and when to use "lie." In this episode, she talks about how to remember the difference between the two and the proper usage for each tense.

Nutrition Diva

What really motivates someone to change their habits? Nutrition Diva sits down with behavioral economist and best-selling author Dan Ariely to talk about the best ways to make positive lifestyle changes that stick.

Savvy Psychologist

Insecurity is a universal phenomenon—we can all relate to it, but there's a lot we can do (and a lot we shouldn't do) when it creeps up on us. In this episode, Savvy Psychologist shares how to salvage your confidence.

Money Girl 

Living paycheck-to-paycheck can be exhausting—break the cycle with Money Girl's tips for changing your mindset, examining your lifestyle, and creating new habits. From reducing debt to automating savings, learn how to build a better, less stressful, financial life.


Keep reading on Quick and Dirty Tips

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