Should you fast or fuel before exercise?
Long time listener Rohini writes:
Q. I have been trying to do intermittent fasting for the past few months and can manage a 14 hour fast quite comfortably (8 pm till 10 am). I almost always exercise earlier in the morning. But I start to feel tired fast if I haven't eaten something. Intermittent fasting experts often tout the benefits of exercising in a fasted state but other credible sources insist on eating first before exercising! What do we morning exercisers do?
A. Even after an overnight fast, you should have more than enough fuel on board for a moderate-intensity workout. That said, the benefits of fasted exercise are often exaggerated. The real key here is what makes you most comfortable because that will support more consistent exercise. In the long run, that's far more beneficial than the incremental gains that you might get from following someone's arbitrary rules about pre-workout fasting or fueling.
Is Evening Primrose Oil effective for fibrocystic breasts?
Val writes;
A. There have only been a limited number of studies on EPO and benign breast disease. One study found that it was not more effective than a placebo. (Actually, the study found that it was SLIGHTLY more effective than placebo but didn't reach the threshold for statistical significance.) But other studies have found that it was as effective as prescription drugs that are sometimes prescribed for this condition. Then again, the prescription drugs aren't slam dunks, either. A significant number of people don't find them helpful.
Seeing as EPO has few side effects or safety concerns, your doctor may reason that it's worth a trial-of-one to see if you are one of the people who does see an improvement. I can see the logic in that. If you do decide to try it through, make sure you're taking enough of it (usually, 6 500 mg capsules a day) and for long enough (8-12 weeks) before you decide whether or not it's helping.
Which is better: whole oats or oat bran?
Stephen writes:
Q. Several health-related websites state that oat bran is superior to rolled oats, but I often hear that whole grains are important to health. I eat plenty of other whole grains (wheat, corn, and rice) and am largely vegetarian. Does isolating the bran from oats (or even wheat) remove significant benefits?
A. I think it's more accurate to say that...
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