I talked to a client last week, the president of a business I’ve worked with for years. In the past, I would have described her as generally cool as a cucumber. But not this time.
In this conversation, she showed up with an almost frantic energy, seeking help with their organization design, her span of control, a plan to re-engage an overwhelmed and exhausted workforce, a talent retention strategy, and an employee development roadmap.
I let her put it all out there. Then I asked if she could prioritize for me. She told me that was her prioritized list!
I don’t think she’s alone. And I don’t think it’s only upper management feeling this way.
These days we’re all feeling like everything is on fire. And as more of us are working remotely or in a hybrid fashion, we’re missing those in-person cues that help us interpret where our leaders are feeling the greatest angst.
For those of us who are high-achievers (ahem), our default tends to be to just prioritize everything. Which is, of course, the worst idea. Because it heightens the risk of burnout, of a ball dropping, of the quality of something suffering somewhere.
Wading through chaos is a rule and no longer an exception. It’s a skill we all need to build and show off on the regular.
So what can you do when it feels like everything is a priority and there’s just no way to get it all done well?
Here are four steps you can take.
1. Begin with boldness
Sometimes, overfilling our plates can leave us feeling like superheroes. But candidly—and here comes some tough love—it’s kind of the lazy person’s game. Because pushing for clarity takes courage, energy, and a willingness to be vulnerable—to admit you can’t handle everything (because of your being human and all).
So, start by recognizing it’s your job to seek clarity, to raise the flag. Likely you’re the only one who really knows just how much is on your plate. No one else is keeping track. Therefore, it’s on you to step up and manage your boundaries and your energy.
Doing this well and with confidence means shifting your mindset from victim to victor.
Here’s what this might sound like in practice.
Instead of “I’m really sorry—I’m struggling to handle it all,” try “I’m unwilling to let anything fall through the cracks, so let’s prioritize all these tasks/projects to ensure the most critical are getting our best energy and focus.”
You know you’re impressed by that bold confidence to say we need to prioritize.
This mindset shift positions you as someone thoughtful, strategic, and in control....
Keep reading on Quick and Dirty Tips
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