When it comes to your health, it’s imperative to protect your peace of mind, especially in a safe space like your home. But what about the dangers unseen by the naked eye?
Bed bugs are annoying and bloodthirsty, and an infestation can escalate rapidly.
Bed bugs present hidden risks you might not know about until it’s too late. They’re annoying and bloodthirsty, and an infestation can escalate rapidly. An insect as small as that can be difficult to notice, and like every other problem, you may not take it seriously until you see the consequences. Whether it’s just a few bite marks, a mild rash, or a strong allergic reaction, a bed bug problem can go south in more than one way and cost you a lot of time and money, if not your mental health.
How can bed bugs affect your health?
Skin infections
Skin infections caused by bed bugs are usually rare, but they do exist. When a bed bug bites you and leaves its mark, obsessive scratching can turn the bite into a small wound. If different germs and bacteria manage to find their way into that wound, it can become infected quite quickly. Keep your bite spots under observation and seek medical help if they become too red or swollen.
Psychological trauma
Psychological harm due to bed bugs is a real problem. The insects can impair an adult’s sleep schedule and reduce the effectiveness of rest. People who suffer from a bed bug problem often report adverse mental side effects like paranoia, anxiety, and an obsession with preventing future infestations. Those side effects can affect the rest of your daily activities to the point where you become inefficient in your professional and personal life.
Allergic reactions
If you happen to be allergic to bed bug bites, a bad reaction can result in severe itching, difficulty breathing, and painful blisters or hives. People susceptible to allergic reactions from bed bugs should take extra precautions. Wash your sheets and mattress regularly. Opt-in for heat-drying since high temperatures are lethal to bed bugs.
Difficulty breathing
Speaking of respiratory problems, you don’t need a bed bug bite to experience breathing difficulties. The bugs’ feces, as well as the skin flakes they leave behind when shedding, are rich in histamine. Inhaling this substance causes your airways to narrow down, which leads to breathing problems. This side effect can be even more dangerous to people who have asthma or other respiratory diseases...
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